Hello, I work as an engineer/vault designer and have been an...
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Hello, I work as an engineer/vault designer and have been an Airbnb host for my home in Yucca Valley near Joshua Tree Nationa...
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Hi Everyone. I am new to this community. I now have several high end property listings on AirBnb. I only own one of them. The others I rent (annual lease) and then sublet for short term. Recently I have incorporated to reduce personal liability.
I am interested in hearing from other Canadian Airbnb hosts who have properties they do not own. I am having a difficult time finding insurance. I have recently learned the hard way that, after a break-in, there was no insurance to cover the damages. Airbnb understandably does not provide 3rd party insurance.
Are there any other Canadians out there in my situation who have been successful?
@Susan3572 There are two companies that seem to be offering commercial insurance for STR purpose. Owners of the property should get STR insurance, Milnco usually approves this. April insurance usually approves the host to take out liability insurance. For belongings inside the STR I’m not sure if April covers that.
@Susan3572 How are you finding the new regulations put in by the city of Calgary?
Thanks.... I met with someone this week who thinks he can find something for my situation. It will be a relief when it comes together.
Hi Katrina. It works okay for me. I've registered all my properties. The only downfall is that I can't do room and board during the winter at one of my large properties (that I rent) because I don't live there. Will look for a family over the winter I expect. And you?
I have been renting a house in White Rock BC for over 6 years now and I have a Bed and Breakfast in the house. (FYI, Bed and Breakfast, short term rental and Airbnb all mean the same thing for this situation) I’ve had the BnB for a few years now and it has been such a great experience for us. In White Rock it’s required to be licensed and it’s enforced.. trust me I know lol. Anyway I’m a licensed Bed and Breakfast operator and, I rent my house from the Homeowner that lives in their primary dwelling a few blocks away. The homeowner is having difficulty finding insurance for the house because I run the BnB. Does anyone know of an insurance company that is offering coverage in to a homeowner who rents out their home to a Tennant that runs a short term rental?
HELP!! I’m scared that I’m going to have to close the doors and that’s devastating 😔
I noticed the levels beside other peoples names and as a BnB operator I should be showing a higher level. I’m in the Background and my partner Mark is the charismatic host. I’m not allowed to interact with guests lol. (Sorta kidding) So Marks listings are what I’m talking about in the post above.
Cut and past if you would like to see.
Hidden Oasis White Rock
Hilltop Retreat White Rock
@J-D-4 The "levels" you see here have nothing to do with your hosting account, your profile, how long you've been hosting, your listing, your listing rating, your level of expertise, etc.
They only pertain to your engagement here on the forum-how often you post, how many thumbs up your posts get. A poster could be a host or a guest. Everyone starts out at level 1 and the more you post, your level goes up. It stops at level 10.
It's just a social media thing. Those levels don't appear anywhere else but this forum.
@J-D-4 You could check to see if there is a local Facebook hosting group, like for the Vancouver area ( yes I know White Rock isn't Vancouver, but insurance options in the area would be the same). You might get some good recommendations there.