Category assignment

Category assignment

Hello Everyone. I'm having trouble assigning a category to my listings. One listing that has a good category, no problem with renting. Others have the wrong categories or none at all. I have complained to Airbnb many times. Although I received assurances that they would be resolved, ie. properly categorized, nothing happened. What should I do? Has anyone had a similar problem

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Radoje0 Most category requests took about 3 weeks to sort out a year or so ago. How long have you been waiting?

Dear Mike. I am waiting 8-9 months. I asked to change the listings that were categorized as National Park. The category that suits me is camper. Airbnb agreed that it should be changed. However, now those listings do not have a category

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Radoje0 how weird. You can have more than one category - I think we have 3 for one of our listings!

Whether categories have any value is debatable but I agree it is nice to be in the correct one just in case.

Perhaps ask to be put in the Camper Vans category as this seems most applicable to your listing.

Mike-I-Jane Whoever is looking to rent any accommodation, they have no value for him. But if you, as a guest, are looking to rent a camper, the categories certainly have value. I was convinced of this last year, because this one listing, which had the correct category, was rented. The others are not..