Does anyone use EVOLVE?

Level 2
Virginia Beach, VA

Does anyone use EVOLVE?

I get alot of e-mails from a company called EVOLVE,,, another vacation booking company that uses multiple booking companies            ( homeaway, airbnb, VRBO, etc) to list your property and to hopefully generate more reservations for the homeowner.  Has anyone actually done this ?  How did airbnb get involved with these people ?

65 Replies 65

I actually found this thread as I am looking for an option to move both my properties from Evolve.   My Breckenridge CO house link here: has had a few last minute cancellations that Evolve kept the money with ZERO going to me the host.  They used that their was a change in the guests travel plans and since they compete against hotels that they could not give me any of the money even though it was 8 days out during spring break and I lost over 1k due to this.  Evolve used the excuse they compete against hotels.  There are ZERO 3bed, 2 bath hotels in Breckenridge CO!  Just last week, I received a 2 star review from a guest that said they had a communication from the owner and when they reached out, he only received automated messages and never got a response.   Besides Evolve, I am the contact and my cell phone does not have automated messages.   Evolve put it on me for Evolve not answering the phone and I should give a thoughtful response.   When it was probably something very simple that I could of fixed with the client over the phone.  Please look at the reviews.  The only bad reviews come from guests just trying to get free nights (which Evolve is always on the guests side) and from cleaning (which I had to use an approved Evolve partner that was connected to their network).   


I bought a property this year in Branson MO with 87 5 star reviews on VRBO but had not used Airbnb and I know that Airbnb reviews do not transfer over but Preferred partners of VRbO ( Evolve is one of them) can transfer over:  Here is the airbnb link:   I overpaid for the property for the reviews and Evolve promised multiple times (I have the emails and texts to prove it) that the reviews would be ported over but it takes time.   Well there are not 87 5 star reviews ported over on that sight.   Evolve also fought me on a 4 star review:  here is the link to VRBO  The guest claimed that the property is great but wish I would of listed all the amenities including pool, hot tub, etc.   I did not list it as we do not have any of those amenities at my condo.   It took 2 weeks and many emails back and forth to get them to agree to write what I wanted.   


Evolve doesn't give 2 craps about their hosts and I have plenty of emails and texts to prove that.   


That is actually why I was doing some research on Airbnb.  To see if it would be better to get rid of Evolve cause the bad service to their hosts.


Also they just took more investment money so their platform will be even more about making them money and screwing their hosts over.



Same. Exact. Experience. I want to pull my listings from Evolve and go directly through ABB. Have you been successful at transitioning? 

Lisa M.

I would copy and paste the pictures and the listing info, then edit it. They do a great job with the pictures. Filling in the blanks at Air B and B is very easy. I get more bookings from VRBO, and they pay half when I book. Beware of They will tell you they have a Guest wanting to book. There is nowhere to accept. Then, they start by asking for the number of a gift card. HANG UP.

I just started using evolve but prior to this, my property has been on airbnb and I had alot of success. I only switched to evolve because my work life got busier and I didn't have as much time to manage it myself. But I have not had any major issues with airbnb and I have used them for at least 3 years 

Same. Horrible experiences with Evolve in less than one year.

I literally flew from San Diego yesterday all day long-planes need to be filled-to Washington DC-spent 2 hours waiting as system issues to pick up rental car-only to get to the property and I can NOT get in-no light using my phone-AFTER MIDNIGHT-calling rental "person" from Evolve-in fact message is a woman for "Charles" and it is a name not connected to the account and/or Evolve-email them through Airbnb-bottom line I am ALONE, FEMALE-came by myself for the Women's March-DC is packed due to Police Officer recognition week in DC, Woman's March along with the United States Mobile Phone trade convention is also going on this week as well-quoted $499 for ONE night at the Pentagon Sheraton's (stayed here before and it was almost 1 in the morning at this point) sister property and this is all going on after midnight so trying to find a one night stay-bottom line found a hotel I paid for basically 9 hours-worse though neither Airbnb NOR Evolve returned my emails or calls until I reached back out to Airbnb at 11:30 in the morning-they resolved and paid $1000 towards my new place but I paid for 2 rentals-have to wait for the refund for the first rental to post-and am now trying to work out the difference of one less day, more cost out of pocket, my hotel I paid for-my new place I have to pay daily parking-the representative at Airbnb Char the bomb-but it took me calling them and today has been an utter waste-no to mention I had to find somewhere to "hangout" until the new place was available as of 4 in the afternoon-not happy at all-I just used Airbnb over all the other sites I have used as two months ago I rented in Oahu-NO ISSUE-easier and cheaper than any other apps I have used -have all documentation to support my claim-IN FACT first question I asked two times via to Evolve was new listing no reviews-nervous-how do I know you can handle any issues or how are the reviews-it is all documented in my account via the messages we exchanged.  The other main issue-health concerns so having a kitchen is a MUST-try finding all that at the last minute.  I am going to be filing a complaint with the BBB-they have had 154 complaints within just the last 3 years alone. Only 71 have been resolved; so more than half have not been.

We used Evolve 10 years ago for about 2 years for my Kissimmee FL house (sold it). At that time, Evolve only do listing, get guest and customer service. They get 10% commission and also sold damage insurance to guest (guests have to buy). Everything was great. They didn't do property management, So I used management company to do that. Our management company got the guests too. Evolve handled guests pretty well and customer service was really good. Now the company has changed to try to cover everything and get higher commission. We talked with them and think it won't work out since they don't have their own people doing PM, they hire people like we do and much easier to mis-managed than us, especially in labor shortage place. So we decided to manage our own. Sometimes, I am worried the Airbnb will go the same way, try to cover too much and greedy, then thing will go worse.   

The main difference from before and now are

1. Customer service getting worse.

2. They asked exclusive rental commitment. So hard to find a good PM company want to only do management (they want commission too). When I used 10 years ago, they allowed the PM renting. So PM rented most of it. Evolve added more. 

I used Evolve almost a year from last July as a pass down. They basically does nothing, just give you a website to see the booking activities, post your listing in another 3 sites ( not even 5 or 10), and that's it. It costs you 10% for them doing nothing. 

The worst part is they charges Owners, but requests the owners to have a perfect house to GUARANTEE perfect satisfaction to THEIR GUESTS,  and they also have the right to CHARGE THE OWNERS MORE whenever they feel justified to please their guests!! Does that make sense? 

Owners pay 10% or even more to feed their RUDE, IRRESPONSIVE and IRRESPONSIBLE staffs, while we also have to be on he tiptoes under their tyrant management to get ready for all kinds of PENALTIES while their only goal is to please their booking GUESTS.    

The staffs are rude and not responsible most of the time. They say pretty words without actual actions doing what they promise to say. When I keep asking them is certain things are done, they put me on black list and starts to discriminate me in every single interaction afterwards. 


Their booking mechanism is loose and insecure. I had 3 fraudulent bookings through Evolve but none from other sites. 

They can't make good judgements on what is true and what is fake.  They dont bother to take in advices or leaning from experiences to  improve their company performance, but keep defending themselves and running their company in a old, dated  and ignorant manners. 


Either as a owner or booking guest, such company should not be encouraged to keep taking advantages of people while their are a lot more other choices available for easy and secured bookings. 

The staffs are rude and dont care about home owners. 
I lost so much money with them as home owner! Fraud ID booking, inability to handle guests relations,  refuse to pay for lost items and extra garbage.....
No consistency and Do whatever they feel like with no standards. Money sucker of home owners.

there is no too good to be true company. They just want to make money out of bookings. Not taking care of owners or guests. 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Sounds like they de-evolved, from Homo Sapiens back to Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis.

So, are you all saying there there is a chance - one on a million - that ABNB is the best of the worst?


Level 3
Pompano Beach, FL

From what I have read in facebook forums the experience is lacking


Do not ever stay at Evolve properties, especially **.  They are the worst company we have ever dealt with.  We booked a 4-night stay near Helen, Georgia through for the New Year for myself, my wife, and our 2 young children.  My kids asked to go somewhere instead of gifts this year, so we thought booking a mountain cabin would be a great way to unwind.  Not even close.  It was the worst experience we have ever had booking any property, and we are world travelers.

Getting to the property was extremely challenging, as Google Maps did not know how to get there, i.e. wanted me to cross a stream on a dirt road, sent me down a private driveway, etc.  Ok, not a big deal.  Get to the property at 11:46PM and it is pitch black.  No motion sensing lights, no flood lights, no porch light; nothing.  We get up to the door where the key box is, get the keys, and they do not unlock the door or deadbolt.  We tried for several minutes before I noticed another door on the porch, which was the correct door, except neither key operated the deadbolt.  We get inside, and it is quaint, I will give it that, but leaves much to be desired.  Everything was done cheaply, and it shows.  There is also a creepy door to the adjacent unit and a light was on in the room next to the bathroom/bedroom. 

My kids feared being in the woods in the dark and were terrified of sleeping there.  To make them feel safe, I walked around the property.  That is when I noticed the kid’s bedroom window had no latches.  The screen was knocked out and part of the latch was on the outside sill.  The window could just be opened either from the top or bottom. This was the case for 4 other windows.  Latches were either incomplete or completely missing.  I have a video. Completely unsecure.  We were at the property for 20 minutes and left to find a hotel in Helen.

We attempted to contact the host by email and by phone.  When we did not receive a return call by midday, we contacted Evolve.  We told them that we had to stay in a hotel since the property was not secure, on New Years Day, at 1AM for a ton of money since everything was booked.  We also told Evolve that we had not heard from the host.  Not one time did they say we HAD to deal with the host before they would do anything, and instead they let us go about our trip, which we had to change plans since there were no other lodging facilities available in the area. 

The host contacted us back via email and said they would be happy to give us a complimentary future 1 night stay and meet at the property to walk around to show us how safe it was.  This was 2 nights into our 4-night stay.  We had moved on but were not far away.  We contacted Evolve numerous times and ended up waiting 12 days for them to tell us to essentially get lost.  No refund.  No concessions.  Tough luck.  Several emails later, they told us to have an attorney contact them.

READ the booking policy.  It is 100% written to take your money and screw you over.  I have formally asked for arbitration.  Ignored.  I asked for a copy of the phone conversations.  Ignored.  They were nice and empathetic on the phone but had no intention of working with us at all.  We lost $800, but that pales in comparison to what they will lose when this review is posted everywhere. 

**[Identifiable information removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

They cancelled my trip without notifying me. I found out two weeks before by logging into my Airbnb account. Never again.