Dynamic Cleaning Fee

Level 2
Mena, AR

Dynamic Cleaning Fee

I pay my cleaner more and use more supplies on cleaning fees for long term stays. I currently have my cleaning fee standard across all stays. Can I set dynamic cleaning fees, so anything over 7 days would increase automatically?

Top Answer
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

A reminder @Lisa7895 , cleaning fees nowadays I gather from the hosting grapevine are a touchy subject with guests and some host have exceptionally too-high ones. In your case a $75 one for a $185 stay (2 days) is already hefty enough (40%), granted more palatable when it is say a 5-day stay (16%). A bummer can't adjust them according to length of stay. Good question, will ask on this next time I am with the 'grape pickers'. 🍇

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3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lisa7895 simple answer is no you can't. Either reduce any discount for longer stays or just accept higher cleaning costs are worth paying to get longer bookings.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

A reminder @Lisa7895 , cleaning fees nowadays I gather from the hosting grapevine are a touchy subject with guests and some host have exceptionally too-high ones. In your case a $75 one for a $185 stay (2 days) is already hefty enough (40%), granted more palatable when it is say a 5-day stay (16%). A bummer can't adjust them according to length of stay. Good question, will ask on this next time I am with the 'grape pickers'. 🍇

Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands


You could NOT charge a separate cleaning fee and raise your rent a little.
You could also do a combination, lower de cleaning fee and raise the rent.
Or lower the discount for longer stays a bit.
Or be happy with a more extended reservation and accept the higher cleaning cost.