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How long does it take to get approval for a short-term rental in New York City? It's been two and a half months and I still h...
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Hello! Would love some feedback in general regarding my Room listing as well as house rules.
My listing is my residence so I believe that the house rules must adhere to my lifestyle, but I’m curious to receive any feedback on whether it’s too strict, or even whether I’m not wording it the best way possible.
Any feed back regarding any part of the listing is highly appreciated, as well as best practice tips for shared spaces!
Hi @Carla1717, please share a link to your Listing by replying to this thread. This way it's easier for people to see your Listing. Once you've done that, do feel free to @ me so I can get a notification. I can then tag some lovely Hosts to provide feedback on your property 😊
Sorry @Carla1717, I didn't get the notification for your message 😔.
I'd like to invite @Matthew1964, @Patricia3721 and @Jennifer3187 to kindly share some feedback on Carla's listing.
Thank you in advance! 🙌🏽
@Carla1717 Beautiful listing and ad. Is it only available in summer? First sentence says you can enjoy pool and theatre in summer. I would take that out if available year round and put it where you mention pool. I would also mention how many people live there full time and how many rooms can be possibly rented at same time. Otherwise just wonderful.
Hi @Patricia3721 ! Thank you for your response. I think you might have reached another listing. The room listing mentions is just one room and it’s available and open all-year long, as well as its amenities. Should we mention about how many people live here in the description (I don’t because it has limited characters space), but I mention it in the messages. Thanks for your response!
It looks like two ads. It’s the one with pool on front page.
Thanks @Patricia3721 - I think there might have been a mix up. My question was regarding the listing with 1 room (I double checked the link I posted and it sends me to the correct room listing). I have another listing for the whole house that is only open in the Summer as I won’t be in it. That’s why there’s no mention of how many people will be there since there won’t be any 🙂 …I’m not planning to make my entire house fully available for more than the summer. Hope that helps clear it up! Either way, thank you for your time!
Hi Carla - I love your listing! The amenities are great. My only comments would be that I see you allow 3 guests - that might be tight with one room but I can't tell by the pictures. And the listing might be improved depending on what guests you are targeting - is your ideal guest a professional in town for work, a couple looking for a little r/r, or small family seeking a quick getaway? If you get super focused on who you are trying to market to will help frame out your listing overview. Good luck!
Thank you, @Jennifer3187 ! Those are all great insights that we will have to take time to think about. At this point we are accepting everyone - singles, couples, and families just needing a night or two. It’s a 250sq ft room with a 30sq ft closet. I see now that as we learn about our guests, we’ll learn who we want to target. Thanks again!