Hosting - what the owner can see

Hosting - what the owner can see

Hi All,


I am relatively new to the AirBnB world, and have given my property over to my wife's cousin to manage as we are in a different country. That's all fine, I trust him as he is in the property game albeit involved with longer lets.


Here is the rub - he has added us into his existing setup/back-end, but it does not does not give us visibility on occupancy rates or charges levied per day. He'll provide the data if asked but it is not convenient for either of us and I may want to move to another host later in the year.


NOTE - I'm not putting anything out to tender here - just asking for some advice on what visibility a property owner could usually expect from a host re: occupancy/daily charges.


Thanks for your time! - Nick


1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Nick2581 


Did you manage to find an answer to this elsewhere?





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