How do i set a minimum length of stay for New Year?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

How do i set a minimum length of stay for New Year?


I want to make the minimum length of stay 5 days over the period 27/12 to 2/01

how do i do that?


12 Replies 12
Level 10
Greenville, SC

Under Trip Length, there is an option called Add Seasonal Requirement.  You can do what you are requesting using that option.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

i have been through all the tabs and can't find that option - can you point me in the right direction?


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Nick86 


Have you found the Airbnb Help website - it’s a good resource for the basics around managing your listing


If you use the search function there it should take you to a page which shows you how to customise minimum stays for set periods. 

Level 2
London, United Kingdom


yes i tried that but didn't find anything for a particular period

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Yes, it is there, under section "Trip lenght", it is called "add  a custom rule for seasons and specific dates"

Then under pulldown menu "during" you set the specific dates.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

got it thanks v much

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


In addtion to @Pat271 

Please note The min. stay counts from the day of check-in. It is not acting like a wall, so if somebody books on 26th and your normal min. stay is 2 nights, they can book !

If you want only bookings for minimal 5 nights where dates are completely within(!) the time period you mentioned, you need to experiment also by restricted  check-in day /check-out day . Applying a proper ruleset is more flexible.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

yes i have 2 nights min set by default - but need a special use case for new year. I keep having to turn people down then the dates get blocked and I have to unblock

Level 10
Greenville, SC




As @Nick86 implied, you’ll have to set up some “can’t check out” rules as well, and apply them to days 2-5, so that someone can’t check-in earlier on the calendar and check-out in the middle of your block.


It should be easier to do than this, IMO.  For one thing, you should be able to apply the “check-out” rule directly in the above screenshot, but that doesn’t seem to be an option.  “Maximum days” also doesn’t seem to be an option when creating a rule.  Both would be useful.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Pat271  @Nick86 

That is why i suggested to use the rulesset-system. Which can be found when managing the calender, select the dates and then create a ruleset. It has much more options, like check-in/checkout day in one form..


added: screenshot


Screenshot_2020-09-17 Airbnb.jpg

Level 10
Greenville, SC

Right, but that’s too laborious.  They should be able to “edit a requirement” as in the first screenshot above, and select maximum stay and check-out options there (2 very common options), without going through another rules creation process.


There is a fine line between flexibility and usability in software.


@Nick86 , can you figure out how to accomplish what you need from the info above?


Level 2
London, United Kingdom

thanks all

no - it all gets a bit complicated to be honest. I have done the basics which I hope will stop the bookings from 30/12-2/01

i don't have instabook turned on so can filter out the rest


thanks all