How to answer KYC questions...

Level 2
King Creek, Australia

How to answer KYC questions...

I Co-host for a couple, and they have been asked to complete the KYC questions. They own the home, but I co-host for them.  We are wondering if they should put down "I host on my own" as they are the only owners, or "partnership" because we help them host it?


We are really unsure of how to move forward as we don't want them to be flagged as fraudulent. 

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Alli-And-Isaac0!


Did you manage to get an answer to your question from anywhere?





Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Any updates @Alli-And-Isaac0 
You may like to read through some of the legal decisions in my posts in the last 24 hours..

All the best from across the oceans on a sunny summers day in Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland.