How to block future dates?

Level 3
Baltimore, MD

How to block future dates?

With the updated calendar, I'm now unable to block future dates that are beyond my 3 month window. They are already "blocked" so I'm not able to block them further. Meaning, when the 3 month window opens, the dates I wanted to block will automatically open up. 


I asked super-host support about this, and they said my only option is to use snooze or open up 6 months. Neither of those are good options. Snooze is only 1 time frame. And my family doesn't plan our vacations 6 months in advance so we'll lose dates that we wanted to go to our place. 


I feel like I have to be missing something, I used to be able to block future dates no matter what my booking window was. Has anyone else seen this issue?


60 Replies 60

Nope, I only have 2 options when I'm outside the window.


Image 2023-08-18 at 2.51.00 PM.jpg

Level 3
Baltimore, MD

I will reply to myself so I can finally accept an answer. The only way to bring back this original functionality is to set the price of your "blocked" days to $9999. This will have the same effect as the old calendar so that people won't book them, and you can keep them "blocked" even if the calendar is not open. This solution also doesn't touch any of your booking settings.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Interesting @Sean1030 ! How did you come across these findings? Would you like to elaborate and share with other members?



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Hi Bhumika, I'll give myself credit for thinking of this solution. It came to me in a dream. But it works, I can finally "block" days past my booking window by setting the price way higher than a guest would pay. 

Level 10
Charleston, SC


Thanks for mentioning this. I need to block off holidays. I have a 9 month window but guest will book New Years, Christmas, and Thanksgiving as soon as they become available on the calendar even 9 months out. So waiting for them to open up isn't a good option. 

Appreciate some of the work arounds, but guest often book weekends as soon as the become available 9 moths out, so the best option would be to increase rates. 

The other thing is what if you block off dates, say Christmas, when it becomes available in 9 month window, then change to 6 month window, then back again to 9 months window. Would the manually blocked dates be open again? 

Another work around would be to block them off dates on another platform that is synced. 





BTW I don't think increasing rates is good solution. Other guest may see high price and get spooked even if it's not the dates they were looking for. They may think there is a chance they could get charged much more. 


Setting blocked by default isn't ideal either as many guest set  their own calendar to book as soon as they become available. Although would be the best option if you wanted to block off larger time frames, if you are planning to take weeks or months off. 

Just adding my 2 cents in hopes this function is restored as it was very useful to block off dates that you didn't plan to rent out before they became available. 

I agree @John5097 , they should just restore the calendar functionality that was there previous to the 2023 Summer Release. I believe this was probably an "unintended consequence" of the software changes they made. I believe they will probably correct this, but not sure when? 🤔 Perhaps a Community Manager @Bhumika , @Paula can bring this to the attention of the appropriate team?


I agree setting the price @$9999 is probably NOT a good idea for the reasons you mention. However, each host will have to decide their own "work around" for now 🙄


If you set unavailable by default, you can unblock as much of the calendar as you just would have to continue to unblock as you determine or finalize dates you might want to use your own property. You can always keep "tenative dates" blocked and unblock the rest of your dates as desired. Maybe block only a 2wk time frame as you are finalizing plans. Once you have plans finalized, open up dates in that 2wk time frame you blocked that you will not need for your own use for guest reservations.


Those are constructive suggestions. Although we are just the very few who are even aware of this change. 

A lot of host will think they manually blocked nights that they had planned to take off for vacation and be surprised when guest books. 


Mine and several others are just modest one bedroom places but guest plan way ahead for weddings and such and book as soon as they become available so they are waiting. 

I'm thinking it was intentional. I'm just glad I learned of it now and not later as I would have tried to block it manually like before. 

@John5097 hmmmm....🤔

Perhaps it was to "encourage" hosts to open up more availability for booking?  Not sure. I believe (as you do) there are many hosts that are unaware of this.


Many hosts do not even realize that having shorter times available on their calendar can actually hurt them in search results rank. The more availability on your calendar, the higher the algorithm ranks the property in search results. This includes any minimum stay settings. The longer the minimum stay setting, the less "available" your calendar is and therefore lower in search results rank.


Not sure if having Calendar Availability as "Unavailable by Default" would hurt though in sea arch results, as long as you unblock at least 6months after ensuring your pricing is correct and/or blocking tenative dates for your own personal use. I never suggest Hosts only have 3months open on a property for the reasons you mention (weddings, holidays, etc.), which are booked further in advance. 3 months is not enough time to capture those bookings. Other properties with calendars open further out will nab those reservations, while your 3-month calendar is blocked for those dates further out. Larger properties are almost always booked much further out and as you mention, smaller properties still get booked further out for weddings, holidays, etc.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joan2709 @Joan2709 I am totally confused. In my calendar I get 3 choices namely 'available', 'blocked', and 'unavailable until XX based on your 9 month availability window'. These are available in both the monthly calendar and the multi calendar.

Do you not get this is the USA or is there another issue I am not aware of?


It is confusing, as Hosts that have longer availabilty set are not having this issue. We are  currently using a 12-month availability (soon to change to Unavailable by Default and then we will unblock 12 months manually). This will allow us sufficient time to price our dates properly before unblocking the calendar. Thus we will prevent forgetting to update prices inadvertently for holidays and local festivals. It sounds like you are using 9month availability? 


Here is the issue (I believe) for these Hosts. They are probably using a 3month or 6month option for their availability. On a rolling calendar, these dates will automatically open up one-by-one as the calendar progresses. In the past, a Host using a 3-month window, was able to go past that (say 6months away) and manually block dates for whatever reason (personal use, maintenance, etc.) Now, that option (it sounds like) is not available to them if they are using a 3month window  (and I believe the 6month window). They now only have "open" or "blocked by the system automatically" There is no more "unavailable until XX according to your 3month availability window." They can only unblock a date, but not manually block a date themselves. This is what @Sean1030 is saying is the issue. I can't see this issue, since we use a 12month calendar availability. You probably can't see it either as it sounds like you have a 9month calendar availability set.


Since we use a 12 month availability, we do have the option to block dates outside our 12 month window. For example, today is 8/19/23. I want to block 8/20/23. I do have that option, as my availability is set to 12months. Sounds like you are using a 9month availability, and thus are able to do the same. Hosts with 3month availability are not given that option since the update (it sounds like).

Block Options.png

To verify this on your calendar, you would have to change your availability to 3months and look at the calendar outside that window to see what options are available. According to @Sean1030 , he only sees 2 options; "Available" or "Blocked". 


This is what @Sean1030 says:

@Sean1030 wrote:

With the updated calendar, I'm now unable to block future dates that are beyond my 3 month window. They are already "blocked" so I'm not able to block them further. Meaning, when the 3 month window opens, the dates I wanted to block will automatically open up. 


...and this is what he sees outside his 3month window as options:

3 Month Window Blocking Choices.png

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joan2709 thanks for this but @John5097 apparently has a 9 month window so surely he should see what I see?

Anyway thanks for the screenshot showing what I see. I can only think the US is either ahead or behind the UK in this one. Let's hope it is behind as I like the 3. options.

Kinda hard to really analyze, as I don't have a 3month or 6month availability set. I think @John5097 has the 9month window, but believe he was just offering suggestions on how @Sean1030 could resolve? Not sure. 


Looks like @Haider1 was having the same issue and probably had a 3month or 6month window as well. She elected to use unavailable by default option and then unblocking dates  manually. This prevents any unblocking of dates automatically one by one on a rolling calendar for her going forward. She can unblock whatever she feels comfortable with after adjusting prices and determining what personal days she wants to use the property for herself. She can even unblock and entire year (or more) if she wanted. I normally don't do that as I want to monitor trends and this year guests seem to be booking more last minute and hence the market data is also more last minute. 


I agree with you...I do like the ability to block dates further out as needed.

@Mike-And-Jane0 @Joan2709 @Sean1030 

I'm using the 9 month window and only have the block an unblock option. 

Also to respond to an earlier point. While I prefer a 9 month window, some host prefer the 3 month window. There are a lot of variables. These listings are also fully booked. I could get into more details but mostly has to do with pricing. I'll add also that some popular listings switched to the 3 month window a few years ago and the algo has also changed. But they prefer the 3 month window. 

I'm somewhat hesitant to change settings or availability because of the overall strategy I use.  I think almost every listing I've looked uses the rolling widow with open dates and not closed dates and manually open. Its a good suggestion thats worth considering, but the calendar should be functional and intuitive to use, and this feature of being able to manually block dates shouldn't be so complicated. Also as I poiinted out very popular listing would miss out on some bookings as guest book dates as soon as they open up, so it allows them to plan, and these are the best guest, in my experience. 

Of course I'll manage some work around, but we really don't know how the algo will respond to that, as listing views is also based on price and availability.  

At any rate this is the 9 month widow with December 25th selected for 2024. 

Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 10.06.24 AM.png 

Thanks @John5097,!

That is strange as @Mike-And-Jane0 use the 9-month window in the UK and they do have the 3 options available?....perhaps they are right and it is a US issue?