Keeping Listing Accurate Through Renovations

Level 4
Atlanta, GA

Keeping Listing Accurate Through Renovations


Listing at:


We have made quite a few reservations and just put up new images and all of the information is accurate.  We are seasonal (ski season coming up) and are planning to change sofas in the next few months.  Knowing that we are getting bookings now for guests who will arrive after we change the couch out I'd like to make sure my bedding description is accurate.


We accommodate five guests.  We have two formal bedrooms with queen beds and one extra guest that can sleep on the couch.  The couch currently pictures folds out into a queen bed but I believe there is nothing in my listing that would imply that two people could sleep on it (even though they could since it is a pull out queen).  The new bed coming in does have a formal sleeping set up as shown below:


Is there anything in my listing currently that would be misleading?  I am clear that only five guests are allowed and have five comfortable spots for them to sleep but a bit concerned someone might see the current couch as pictured and think they could sleep two people on it when, once switched out in a few months, there will only be room for one person to sleep.  


I will update the pictures once we update the couch but just want to make sure anyone who books now for a few months out is not mislead when the sofa as pictured changes - especially when it comes to perceived sleeping arrangements.


Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

We explicitly say: 'We reserve the right to make changes without notice' since we are constantly changing features or changing them; for two reasons, it is either a good idea or something is proving way too complicated for guests in general.  When it comes to places to sleep, we have been adding, we can see it would through the guests into a loop if it was the opposite.

through = throw*

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I would mention this to the guests who are booking now, especially if you know they are likely to use the sofa as an extra bed. Although it wouldn't bother me too much, a lot of adults just aren't comfortable when sleeping in a single bed, especially if they like to sprawl out or they move a lot in their sleep.