Listing not showing on Map search or list


Listing not showing on Map search or list

Why is my listing not showing on the map anymore when no dates or filters are added?  There are not so many listings in my area that it would no longer show. 


1 Best Answer
Level 10
Newport, RI

Hi Carole,


I found it.

Your calendar appears to be blocked up until May 6th.

I searched for dates after May 6 (May 19 for a week) and your listing appears.  Your place is adorbs!


- Deb (a fellow host)




View Best Answer in original post

35 Replies 35
Level 10
Newport, RI

Hi Carole,


I found it.

Your calendar appears to be blocked up until May 6th.

I searched for dates after May 6 (May 19 for a week) and your listing appears.  Your place is adorbs!


- Deb (a fellow host)




ty for your help

The same thing is happening to me.  When I search in our small town with "I'm flexible" my listing doesn't show up.  In fact NONE of the listings in my town, nor the adjoining town, show up.  Only listings 30 or more miles away.  If I search with dates, voila, there they are. 


I called customer support and was told its a "known glitch"  but the agent wasn't able to tell me how long they've known about it.  Frustrating.

yes I noticed that other rentals that I know of in my little area were no longer on the map either. I hope they get it fixed quickly as this is when I should start getting renters interested in the summer. 

Same thing happening to me. My listening does not show on Airbnb yet many others do. I called and a tech said it’s their normal algorithm??

I was told that by 2 of them but I was persistent that it wasn't working correctly.  They sent it to the next level and this is the message I got.  We shall see if anything gets fixed.  I know there are other rentals in my area that aren't showing up either because I always check on how the others are doing and try to keep my rates in the same ball park.



I reported this one as a bug and with issues such as this you may not hear directly from the technical team regarding the fix but please accept my assurances that they are a hard-working team and will get this issue resolved as swiftly as possible. I'll keep you updated once I received a response from them.


 **[Private conversation removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

Same thing happening to me. My listening does not show on Airbnb yet many others do. I called and a tech said it’s their normal algorithm. Not a glitch??

Level 10
Huntington Beach, CA

Your place is very cute!!!!

Wishing you many good bookings! 

thank you


Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Carole878 


Even with dates in May (as your calendar is not free/open  until then) and for two travellers you appear on page 4 with a private browser.  At the top of the search, it says that there are over a 1000 listings so although there may not be many listings for your exact location, Airbnb always select listings in the surrounding areas which I'm sure you'll agree is totally frustrating for you as a host but also for me as a guest.

If I enter a specific town or city, I want to see the listings for that town first and not have to waste time going through unsuitable listings because they are not in the town I entered in my search.  This will go somewhere in explaining why you feel that your listing is not showing up when you don't put any filters or dates - far too many listings near and far to choose from.  If you don't put any dates in your search, I've noticed that the algorithm chooses listings that are available in the forthcoming month but never those available in 3 months time as in your case



There really aren’t that many listings in my town and if anyone were interested in my particular beach area my listing always showed on the map when you zoomed in.  

@Joelle43. Unfortunately thats not the reason either.

One of my listings is not appearing when searching for a month and selecting several months. Since I have a block in March, if I search “flexible - months - march, April, may, June, July, August’ it doesn’t appear. But if ok search “flexible - months - April, may, June, July, august” it appears. They said to use specific dates or for me to remove my block. But if there are 6 months allotted to be flexible with, and only 1 month is blocked, it should show up!. My other listings in the same area still appear even if they have some overlapping block. I have spent hours on the phone with them and several cases by messages which they keep closing. Then the lady said she had an issue with her phone and was going to call me right back. Then I received a message that it wasn’t going to be possible for her to call me back. i have to search my listings every week to make sure they are actually showing up. Prospective guests cannot know to exclude a month that is booked, this is a search for potential homes. It’s an obvious glitch.

Kaleigh Trider

I received this message from Airbnb...hopefully they will fix the issue.  When searching with no dates and looking at the map my rental has always shown on the map and somewhere in the listings until today when it totally disappeared.  It has nothing to do with my calendar being blocked until May (a winter rental).  It should show up if someone is searching with no dates and zooms into my area.



CS reported this one as a bug and with issues such as this you may not hear directly from the technical team regarding the fix but please accept my assurances that they are a hard-working team and will get this issue resolved as swiftly as possible. I'll keep you updated once I received a response from them.

 **[Private conversation removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]