My listing is in Scotland but does it seem to appear in Ireland to you?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

My listing is in Scotland but does it seem to appear in Ireland to you?

My place is in Scotland but does it seem to appear in Ireland to you? Some people have suggested my setup suggests I’m in Ireland though the location is obviously Scotland on the map. Any advice on where to change in my settings appreciated. Even signing up here it assumes my dialling code etc should be in Ireland.


 [Title updated by OCM to make it relevant to the post]

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jane4092 the map shows the property is in Scotland so all should be fine. Are you using a VPN?

I’m not aware I’m on a VPN. I’m not sure I’d know if I was on one though.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What is it about your 'set up arrangements' that makes 'some people' think it's in Ireland when your map, listing title and description all say Scotland @Jane4092 

Level 2
London, United Kingdom


Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi, Helen. Other people have mentioned it. When I google it come up with ie first (see picture).


I tend to get bookings on other platforms before Airbnb so wonder if it’s because I’m shown to Ireland only, though I do get some bookings.