When in listing editor > arrival guide > House rules - I can...
When in listing editor > arrival guide > House rules - I can't seem to add any. There are ticks for pets, and a couple of oth...
Hello! We are excited to be joining the hosting community. We have been traveling with the airbnb community for several years now and have decided to become hosts. An interior designer by trade but a treveler at heart we wanted to mesh the two worlds so we could travel more.
We started this conversation in order to introduce ourselves as well as getting the experienced communitie's opinions on our listing. We understand that experienced hosts have alot more insight than guests and we care alot about your opinions.
To look at our listing click HERE!
Also we have a website we created for the listing. Click HERE!
We live in Nashville, TN and have been married for 10 years. We have been all over the globe and stay at an airbnb everytime. We really do see the value of staying with hosts and won't ever stay in a hotel again. My wife has her own interior design business that I recently joined, full time, in order to manage the rapid growth that she has had. We feel like we are adding value to the hosting community with Kendall's design asthetic, my business background, and the understanding that you have to bring something to the table if you want to eat at it.
If you have any questions about home interiors then we have you covered.
That about sums it up and we look forward to hearing your opinions about our listing and will be very active in the community.
Kane and Kendall
@Kendall12 The UK version of bachelorette is 'hen', as in hen party.
And it's criminal that you haven't been to London (the world's coolest city).
Come soon!
Gordon, London is really something else. You walk 50 feet and could hear 10 different languages. Its history is stunning. Amazing place. Be there again in February.
Hi @Fred13. We have not been to Belize but my brother in law and his wife went recently and loved it. It is on our list too.
@Gordon0 That makes total sense about the hen party. It is a shame we have not been but we will make it your way sooner than later.
@Kendall12 My space takes 8 and bachelorettes are one of our most common groups. To echo the others: there is too much stuff out and about and I hope your art is anchored very sturdily to the walls. One errant suitcase or unsteady guest could make a dreadful mess of the lovely gallery at the stairs. ABB allows bookings by anyone over 18 so I’d be hesitant to say that champagne will always be included. Also I looked at your listing on my phone (perhaps different on a desktop) but I felt like I saw too much in decor and not enough of the “house”. I would want some better overview shots & less details on flowers, books & art.
Also I think after you’ve had a few guests your rules may get a little more defined. When you’re ready, there are some great posts here about how to make rules that are helpful and enforceable.
Best of luck!
Hi @Kelly149,
Thanks for taking the time to give us your thoughts. Since you have experience with the bachelorette parites we might be reaching out to you more for some wisdom since we are obiously going for the same crowd. The gallery wall going up the steps are anchored down very well because we had the same thought as you with people hitting them with their suitcases.
In regard to the decor shots. I agree there are more decor shots than normal but with the design background I wanted to showcase more of those details. I think we address the issue with the "house" shots on the website that we created to go along with the listing. [Link hidden]
I agree with you that once we start having guests stay then the rules will become more defined.
Thanks again for the insight.
P.S. Kane was born in Fort Worth and my parents live in TX as well. We love TX.
@Kendall12 as you can see from how Lizzie edited your post to cut out your web info, ABB are not fans of outside links, they will get scrubbed as soon as they are found. You need to consider your listing as a guest's only source of info (though you will be able to send them outside info AFTER they have booked and paid). Also, what I was saying about your detail shots is that on a mobile, they are cropped oddly and don't show quite what I think you intended them too. Also, unless you intend to present the space EXACTLY as it appears in the pictures every time you could have a problem with people complaining that they thought the living room should have pink roses and the bedroom tulips.... etc. And what will happen when you have a scary guest and one of the treasures you've included in your detail shots is no longer there bc it was damaged or you decided not to chance it anymore or you swapped it bc it became just the thing that you needed to finish another project, etc. People are renting your house, not the decor, if that makes sense. Of course the decor is one of the reasons that they are renting, but it isn't the main thing.
I mention this bc renting is a great way to show you what needs changing and it is tedious to have to be constantly monitoring what you've changed and taking great pics that stay accurate can be part of that challenge if you've too heavily featured certain details. (said as somone who has switched rugs, pillows, comforters, art, furniture layout repeatedly in the last year of renting)
Hey @Kelly149 thanks fro bringing attention to the url links that take members to other sites. I had no idea.
I will look into the pictures not showing correctly on the mobile device. Thanks for the heads up.
Decor: I don't anticipate guests saying something if there is a certain decor piece that is missing. We do realize there is always the prospect of guests stealing items but we will deal with that if it ever happens. The decor is definantely is a selling point but, like you said, that is not why they are booking the place. With that being said that is why I don't worry about someone complaining about missing decor.
I'm curious as to why you have changed so much in your listing. Is it because of guests breaking things or getting them dirty? Maybe you taste changed over time?
As always thanks for the insights and hope your listing is going well!!
@Kendall12 yes, all is well here, although its been an exclusively HomeAway month here and wedding heavy too. We had our first actual wedding on the big back porch at the barn. 🙂 ABB is mysteriously quiet. Maybe people are taking a break before the holiday travel season begins. Or maybe something nefarious is going on with the search function and my listing...
Things that I've changed in the last year:
1. 300 pound custom coffee table made from 3 converged tree trunks. Removed. Realized that we didn't trust it to guests. It was purchased from consignment store and would have been impossible to replace, one of a kind piece. No way would resolution center have paid me what it was worth if a guest damaged it. I would have cried if it was lost so now it lives in my house where at least if it is damaged I'll have no one to blame but myself (who are we kidding, it will be my kids...). This was replaced with pieces that would be easily replaceable & that I have no attachment to. You can actually still see the tree trunk table in some of my pictures, but it is background not a feature. No one would ever be able to say "oh, I was looking forward to putting my feet up on that cool table that isn't there anymore."
2. 9x12 Wool rug from Crate & Barrel. Removed. This pattern is no longer made, difficult/expensive to clean/replace. Again, I would have been sad to lose it, didn't trust that I would be fully reimbursed for loss/damage so now it lives in my house. This was replaced with an indoor/outdoor rug that husband can drag out to driveway and hose down if it has a spill or could be quickly replaced for $150/200. Same size and there's still a rug there, don't think anyone will ever notice bc the first rug was background not a "feature" item. There was another rug in the kitchenette area that a guest melted a pot shaped circle into. Not sure how or why they needed a pot hot enough to melt a rug - on the floor!!- in my kitchen that doesn't even have a stove. That became my daughter's cat's rug. Replaced with the most basic thing I could find.
3. Couch Pillows. Replaced. "Hey, Guests of the World, throw pillows are not bed pillows!" EWW. The cutest throw pillows are the first to go. Sequins, feathers, cableknit wool are just not made for being slept with and then run thru the washer.
4. Art. Added more. This is one place where profits are spent. I do have a couple of original pieces that when I've had really dicey guests coming (thank you IB), I take them down off the wall and keep them at home for that weekend. Again, not a feature of the listing so I feel no issue with removing for those guests.
5. Flowers & welcome snack. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. So there is a photo I can think of in my listing where there are flowers in the room, but the flowers aren't the feature of the photo. If there are flowers or a snack then that is a bonus, I don't want someone to expect it. I don't think it is outside the realm of possibility that you could get a cranky/unreasonable guest who would call CS and say "look, the listing shows flowers here, here and here and I didn't get any flowers, so I should get something." Is that crazy? yes, but stranger things have happened.
6. Bedding/Linens. I have a specifically non-matching setup. Most everything has some element of grey to it and I mix and match the towels and sheets (this way a whole set isn't lost when a guest's acne cream bleaches towels or sheets, you just toss the ruined one and keep mixing the rest in the rotation.) I purposely changed the quilts on beds during our photo shoot so that they are different in different photos to set that expectation that things could be different. Do you have extras of that big pink check on the king bed? It's a specific look (& cute) so will you think you need to change the photo when you tire of that colorway or the ones you have are damaged and you can no longer replace? I don't think this matters for most listings at all!! But you've presented the house in a certain light, as if guests should imagine that they're able to drop themselves in to a curated space and achieve the same photographic results. So, again, when you're creating the impression that "hey, look what a cute IG photo I could post in that bed like K & K did!" then what happens when they don't like the next bed setup as well? Will it ever happen? Maybe not, but I've hosted dozens of girl groups and I think it is possible. (On that note, my space says that commercial photography of my space is not allowed without my consent, just a thought.)
I get it that a place needs to have a personality. My place has a very specific personality and that is exactly why people rent it. And like you, my listing is also a calling card to show what our construction/design company can do. However, a year of dealing with the renting public and ABB CS and maybe reading too much in CC has shown me that you can't always make decisions on what your life experience tells you is normal. People comprise a wide spectrum of behavior and expectation. This business survives on a good deal of: hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Of course, for you, I hope only sunshine & rainbows and all lovely guests 😉
Hey @Kelly149 I'm glad everything is going well. Who knows why ABB has been quiet lately. I took a look at you barn. It is lovely. I'm glad you took the tree table out of there. It is a really nice, one of kind, piece that you will have forever.
How did the wedding go at the barn? Kane and I really want to have a farm and convert a barn into a place as well. This is probably what we will do for our next airbnb listing. On the hunt right now. Next time were in Austin we will see if you have any availability at your barn. It seems like a very relaxing place.
I totally agree with the throw pillows. I can't tell you how many times I have told Kane over the years to watch it with the decor pillows. After 15 years together he's learned. HAHA! That is a great point about the pink and white checkered duvet cover. We will have to get another one since it such a big part of the room and is picture friendly.
The majority of the art we have is from thrift/antique stores so they don't have any sentimental value. So far so good, but time will tell as we host more guests.
I couldn't agree with you more how a business survives.
So far we feel like everything is working out. We made the listing live October 23rd, I believe, and we have had 840 listing views and 11 bookings so far. Hopefully we can have the consistant 5 star reviews that you have had. Although I'm not surprised by looking at your listing.
Until next time,
K & K
@Kendall12 Well don’t they say that Nashville & Austin are kindred spirits??
the wedding went great!! Older couple who wanted to have a calm, out of the ordinary day, no drama. But that was a HomeAway guest so a little easier to confirm fit and details. I’m currently talking with an abb guest about a spring wedding. One review & no profile so we are working hard to confirm that they and their wedding plans are a good fit for us before booking it.
Come to Austin, yes, lots of fun things to see and do!
@Kendall12 Hello and your listing is really so attractive - so filled with intrigue and awesome fun, art designs. Looks like you are
promoting parties as you say "bachlorette party" in your listing and if that is your target - you might want to be prepared - and kick that security deposit up to about $1000. As your place has lovely things and if you have done any research there have been some places trashed by parties - people drinking an drugs, etc. to the tune of $50,000. damage. People can do crazy when booze and drugs get involved. And I'm not sure how you keep that from happening. I hope you never have any problems but, perhaps listing families for reunions, gatherings, and such. Just an idea. Hope your listing goes fabulous and you have awesome guest as I have. We have a cottage behind our home that was my massage spa for 15 yrs. I just retired and it is great to host lovely guest in my charming cottage. Happy Hosting, Clara B.
Good morning @Clara116! You make two people now that have suggested raising the security deposit up to $1,000. I see a trend here. It is definantley on the forefront of our minds with regard to the damage that might occur with the larger groups staying here. It is a risk that we are willing to take. As you said though you can't prevent everything. We love the motto "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best."
That is a great idea about family reunions. We will keep that in mind.
Congragulations on the retirement. How convenient that you already had a cottage on your property that you converted for airbnb. I can't wait to check it out.
That is so funny about the massage parlor. My father in law was a massage therapist for 15 years.
Good luck to you as well and thanks again for taking the time give us your thoughts.
Kane and Kendall
@Kendall12I would also agree that the places can use a little 'thining' at least in places that will allow the guests to have space for THEIR things.
What struck first was the economics. It comes across as a cool 'high-end' place, so why so cheap? If I understood correctly, it is $199 for the first 6 people, if so it means $299 for 10 people which means $30 per person when 10 come. Then it is a ~magnet~ for a group looking for a cheap place, exactly the type of guest you won't want, why? In all likelihood, they will not have a blessed clue how to treat such a place, they don't have the 'experience'. Cleaning fee $100. Deposit then can be lower, $250?, you can always adjust it later, high deposits are a turn off, especially when they are looking at such a 'delicate' looking place and already worried they will not see their deposit.
The bachelorette angle sounds cool, but young women in party mode will make short work of that lovely place. They are also very high-maintenance, still on the 'it is all about me' stage; they will have mascara marks even on the walls. Young guys, forget it, they would demolish your place in a jiffy; think chainsaws, they would cut up the furniture for firewood.
Thinking....Make it ~at least~ $399 for 6, and do emphasize 6, a lot easier to handle then 10. Yes, it can accomodate 10 upon inquiry. At least $50 per guest after 6. IF it is in a good location, it will work very well.
To whom would I focus on? Women, small group, roughly 30 year old +. The exact same group dynamics I get constantly and always turn out a blessed joy to host. Already with careers, some are mothers, most already have a home, and know how to treat one. They go on these annual 'girl' trips, and get together in a new place each year.
Secondly, families; not necessarily with young kids, but teens and up. The usual pattern is they are 5-6 in numbers, and the mother runs the roost and watches everyone not to do silly moves. My 2nd most favorite group dynamic.
RUN away from even the thought of parties, let them rent the local armory for that.
How to ensure you get that type of guest, not that hard really. That is where your description comes in.
Disclaimer: saw this thread late, so just perused the offering on the surface. Just noting down my intial reaction.
Wow @Fred13 thanks for your insight. Since you afforded me the respect to thoughtfully go over my listing I want to show you the same by addressing every one of your concerns and suggestions. So here we go.
1) We priced it low in the beginning to gain reviews and bookings so when the 3 months is up we can become super hosts. We agree that it brings interest to a certain subset of people, but think the pros of a superhost and having proof of concept out weighed the cons.
2) Our intial worry was the high deposit amount would scare off potential bookings but I think we will have to gauge it as time goes on. I'm you and alot of other hosts are always adjusting and reevaluatig their listing.
3) The weekly, weekend, and after 6 guests prices you suggested.... We are on the same page with that. Again we are just trying to get bookings in the beginning and will then increase the prices accordingly.
4) The group that you have had success with is who we would love to attract to. We feel that we are already catering to that group. In all honesty we don't know our demographic yet since we just started. Our first booking was yesterday till tomorrow.
5) I agee that the description is the first line of defense to set the tone. We will adjust as we gain experience from each guest.
We are over joyed with the response that we have recieved from yourself and the community so far. It really is great to have hosts take time out of their busy lives to give us some insight. As business owners we far too often run into people that don't appreciate "time" in general. So again we do appreciate the feed back and look forward to all future correspondance.
Kand and Kendall