Pausing of all new experience applications.

Level 2
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Pausing of all new experience applications.

Hello. I'm new to Airbnb and want to host an experience. 

When I first tried to aplly, everything was OK. I took it very seriously, made a plan and a scenario. But when I was back I noticed, that all new applications are paused "for now". There is no information when applications will reopen. 

Did anything similar take place earlier? I was able to find information only about pausing of experiences during pandemic lock-downs. How long could it take now? 

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Aleksandr328 ,


Currently, we are working hard to improve our core services and are temporarily pausing all-new Experience submissions. Although we do not have specific dates of when it will be resumed, as of now both new and existing Hosts will be unable to create an Experience.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us! We will keep the Experience Hosts updated once the intake resumes. 



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37 Replies 37

Hello @Bhumika,

I appreciate the effort to enhance core services, but I'm curious about the status of Airbnb Experience Hosts. Do you have any information on when Experience submissions might be resumed?


I understand that there are no specific dates available at the moment, but it would be helpful to know when both new and existing Hosts will be able to create Experiences again.


Thank you for your assistance, and please keep Experience Hosts updated on any developments regarding the resumption of Experience submissions.

Any updates on this?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You'd need to ask Airbnb @Grace711 

Hello Bhumika,


Since it's almost been a year since this initial announcement of a pause, can you please provide a roadmap/timeline for when new experiences will likely be able to be submitted again? Curious if this is on the horizon in the next month, or further out like the end of the year.

I saw some experiences when traveling that were listed as *New*. It seems they're letting certain cities/countries create them and not others. Although that hasn't been confirmed or denied, but these hosts did say their experiences were new ones.

Its been years, this is completely unprofessional, airbnb ruined another great feature. bad website, bad business.

Level 10
Minamiashigara, Japan

It seems that you can only make new experiences if you are famous, like Kevin Hart.  Us mere mortals are not allowed to it would seem.  And no updates on when mere mortals will be allowed to make new experiences again.

Hi Bhumika

Are there any news about when you´re opening for new experience applications. I am waiting for that since January and still nothing has changed.

Kind regards, Rachel

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Rachel2935 , We don’t know when Airbnb will be ready to re-open for new Experiences, but we’ll keep our Host Community posted in case of new updates. 



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Yo this is crazy. It's been almost a year and a half. What is going on with Experiences?! Still absolutely no end date in sight?! This is extremely unfair to your loyal customers who have been waiting to create experiences. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THIS. Why it is taking so long? Give us something other than a vague, canned answer, please. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Don't rely on Airbnb in most locations there are plenty of other platforms you can use to promote your experience business @Leah699 

You say that “new and existing hosts will be unable to create an Experience.” Does this also mean that an existing Experience that has been on pause cannot be reactivated?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes I believe it does @Marty293 

Level 2
Ashbourne, Ireland

I know this has been asked before but not answered, when is it likely that Experiences will be re opened is there any update on it

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Kevin1718  @Kevin-s0 ,


Thank you for your interest in experiences! I wanted to inform you that an ETA has not been defined yet. Rest assured, we will keep our Host Community informed if there are any updates or changes in the future.





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