Please critique my listing


Please critique my listing

Please help me out and critique my listing. I have be hosting for a while but for the last 2 months I have had zero traffic. I’m not the only one in the are many people aren’t getting any reservations since April. Trying to update multiple listing to increase  bookings. All suggestions ware grately appreciated.

Top Answer
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Hugo789 the outside area and surrounds are spectacular but the inside looks a little basic . Maybe time for more pics .That pic of the mountain  and the cloud is out of this world . Iron the sheets and maybe add a few pillows . Just show the courtyard area and generally if you are not booking no one is . Good Luck Amazing . Maybe take on board about the wifi extender, whatever that is and maybe put only a large single in the room without the window and add a fan or some extra ventilation... H

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Hugo789 the outside area and surrounds are spectacular but the inside looks a little basic . Maybe time for more pics .That pic of the mountain  and the cloud is out of this world . Iron the sheets and maybe add a few pillows . Just show the courtyard area and generally if you are not booking no one is . Good Luck Amazing . Maybe take on board about the wifi extender, whatever that is and maybe put only a large single in the room without the window and add a fan or some extra ventilation... H