Please critique my listing

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

Please critique my listing

Hello, I've been hosting for 4 years and feel like I should tweak some listing details, particularly how to arrange availability so I am not turning over the room every day in the summer (July/August).  It's exhausting as I do my own cleaning! Guests seem to book for 1 night only and that makes sense to me as I am nearer to ferry and airport than most other listings.  That said, I am close to most everything in the city and in a good area so why are people consistently staying only 1 night?  I don't want to be tied to my house every day in summer during turnover time anymore.


Should I change my minimum stay to 2 days for weekdays, only on the weekend, starting now (do not have many reservations coming up) or just in summer when I'm very busy? How do I start 2 day minimum in summer only if that's what I do? 


Also any feedback re: anything about my listing would be very appreciated!




Thanks so much!

7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Fiona615 I totally agree with what you are doing. We have a 2/3 day min in low season and aim for a week in high season.

To do this switch on pro tools in your account. Then apply a ruleset to the high season with a higher min stay.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Fiona615, welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!


Please let us know when you've had the chance to review Mike's suggestion.


Meanwhile, I'm reaching out to some of our amazing Hosts to see if they're interested in sharing their insights or feedback: @Alex1485@Patricia2526@Bettye6@John7474@Lorina14 and @Joan2709.


All the best,



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Level 10
McHenry, IL

Hi @Fiona615 

Your STR room is absolutely lovely and as for decoratingI would not change a thing.

I'm like you , I do my own cleaning though will allow night to night bookings. I give myself a 5 hour booking in between and yes, if guest leaves late and the next guest wants to check in early that in it self is a difficult challenge though I love being my own boss and giving my customers the WOW factor. This occurs rarely  and I just suck it up. This is not a passive income, I work hard to keep it going and research constantly and change things accordingly.

I have yet been a host for 1 year and still navigating the 'Smart Pricing' as sometimes it works brilliantly and other time it doesn't., especially if you have nearby competition, which in my case is a small town.

Have you checked out the near by competitors yet with their maximum days and pricing?

I do know however that Air BnB bookings are a fluctuating commodity. The holidays, weather, messed up flights, world conflicts, COVID resurgence, etc. have myself and many friends holding back on traveling.And as well my bookings have dropped significantly.  It's no refection on your property but it is the times going on.

I myself would not lock in times to stay. Hang in the, it is going to get better.

you have the ability to to have one night between bookings though for me the rarity  of that happening is not significant. Yes, have I been tired cleaning between guests but this is my job.

Hope I was able to give you insight. I don't have a have a huge management company, cohost, cleaner, etc. to help. This is my job.

Best of luck to you.

Warm regards,



Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Hello @Fiona615  Thanks @Paula  for tagging.


Using Pro Tools might help you to control check-in and check-out days for specific periods to align with your cleaning schedule or personal needs.

If you have specific restrictions on check-in/check-out days or minimum stays, rule sets can automate those rules.


Here's a guide on how to use rule sets Pro tools on Airbnb


For individual listings:


  • Go to your "Listings" page.
  • Click the three dots menu next to the listing you want to edit.
  • Select "Edit."
  • Modify rule-set details within the "Pricing" or "Availability" tabs.


To Apply Rule Sets:


Adjust rule-set settings within the listing's edit page.


Common Rule Set Options:


  • Pricing:
    • Set different nightly rates for specific dates or seasons.
    • Apply discounts for longer stays or certain guest types.
  • Availability:
    • Restrict check-in and check-out days for specific periods.
    • Set minimum or maximum stays for certain dates.
  • Minimum Stay:
    • Enforce a minimum number of nights for bookings during particular times.


I'd recommend exploring the tool further to see if it aligns with your specific hosting goals and needs. Check out Airbnb's Help Center:


Best Regards and Happy Hosting!

Hi @Fiona615 

I agree with @Patricia2526 , @Bettye6@Mike-And-Jane0 

You have a fantastic listing and are obviously care about what you do. Right now, things seem unusually slow, but market data suggests that mid-Feb to beginning of March things should pick up (hopefully 😊).


Weekends - Min Stay 2Nights

One thing you could try is to maximize your weekends (Fri/Sat) in slow season, since they tend to get booked first and weekdays not so much. I would suggest using a Rule Set to make your Fri/Sat a min stay of 2days. Your weekend price should be at least $10-$20 higher than weekdays (check what your competition is doing). I would still allow 1night stays during the week. 


Custom Promotions

I don't use Smart Pricing, so not sure how that will affect custom promotions? 🤔 Keep that in mind if you plan on trying this. I would read up on using Custom Promotions as well as they can drive more traffic to your listing. That might be a bit tricky as you don't charge a cleaning fee, so not sure how much you can afford to discount, but some money is better than no money; especially since this is a Home Share/Room listing. You want the slash through pricing on the search thumbnail and Airbnb usually requires 15-20% discount to get that. Be careful about "stacking discounts" though. If you use a custom promotion and have early bird or last minute discounts, they could stack on top of each other for a discounted price you don't want. I suggest if you want to try custom promotions, turn OFF  instant book (if using it) while you play around with it. Create a custom promotion, then go in like you are a guest and try to book your place and see what price it shows. If all looks good, then maybe try it in slow season for weekdays only; I wouldn't discount your weekends. You can always cancel a promotion at any time. Custom Promotions are easier to view on the multi-calendar, but the price will look different between the regular calendar and the multi-calendar. 


Custom Promotions



Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

Hi @Fiona615!


Thanks for the tag @Paula!


You have a lovely listing and great reviews! I would switch to 2 night minimums for the weekends definitely and potentially as a whole as it will save you a lot of time cleaning. When I first started, I had no minimums and while good for getting reviews and having volume and guest feedback, it was exhausting to clean sometimes 5 days of the week. I know I have a small space but I do have a kitchen and guests cleanliness varies (some 1-2 day guests made a mess, while others barely used the kitchen). When I switched to 2 night minimums, it helped me a lot and we still generated the same or better with longer stays. It depends on your circumstances, the size of your space, your cleaning time or fees paid for a cleaner, etc. It is nice to hear of the professional tools to choose different minimums for different days or seasons as I have not fully checked out those features.


For your listing, I had a couple of suggestions/questions:

1. Was there a reason why you showed two parking pics? When I was just browsing it didn’t seem evident, I had to go into the tour to see the captions explaining why. (I dislike the way they redid the photo tour with the winter release). For me it seemed redundant to have two pics of the parking; perhaps you could show this pic in the arrival guide instead showing both pics of how one may park and only the pic of the space to park in the listing.


2. Pic 1 and 4 appear to be the same view, there are no captions to explain why you wanted to show pic #4 unless to highlight the cellulose blinds for privacy and to let light in. 

3. It would be nice to have captions to invite people on a tour as if you are showing a guest the space. What would you say or highlight the unique features of your space?


4. Your listing is brief and you mention that it is central or convenient to shops, restaurants or bus lines. You may want to consider the following:

a. I was docked on location even though I clearly said we were convenient to different cities or companies (if people were coming in for a business meeting), some people who live in a city may not feel we are convenient as they are used to walking everywhere. So explaining that bicycling is a great way to get around, our transit is good but many people bring their cars to get around is helpful in the listing.


b. It would be helpful to say which bus lines are near your location. I did it for my listing as some people were asking me, and I referred them to our local metro planner but for convenience I spent time and wrote all the bus lines that are going to Seattle or Bellevue for people to know in our listing. So if any potential guests had any questions you just needed to read the complete listing.

c. You may also want to bullet the distance and time it takes to walk, drive, bike to local attractions or places of interest. For example:


Ferry: x km/mi or a x min drive.


Hospital: x km/mi or a x min drive. (you may appeal to traveling nurses).


Airport: x km/mi or a x min drive (I don’t know if there is a regional airport nearby or a seaplane location).


Gardens or parks: x km/mi or a x min drive.


other major cities: people may not know they can use your place for a home base when they do day trips or short trips to other places.


Closest Grocery store: you can list the other stores in your guidebook.


Nearest Restaurants, coffee shops or bakeries nearby: individually listed out…x km/mi or a x min drive.


5. You may want to rewrite your description to entice people to consider your space as a retreat close to the city for students or professionals visiting the area, or for the weekend travelers looking for a cozy quiet clean suite to retreat to after long days of sightseeing.  The way your space is written up, it seems great for a stop over, but not necessarily for a longer stay. You may be perfectly happy with the way it is currently written up too, this is just another perspective. To counter the misperceptions about it not having a kitchen you could say what other hosts have written, we have space for you to prepare your coffee/tea with a micro and a small fridge to store your leftovers so your suite is perfect for those who are looking to explore our restaurant scene or not wanting to have to cook on vacation! (I thought it was a great way to present a kitchenette listing, focusing on the clientele that is the perfect fit for your space).


6. You could include a pic of the nearby park or city shot (some people in Orlando, FL post pics of the local attractions), I personally have a pic of our local park/pond that is a 5 min walk from our suite. A twilight shot of the room/home could be nice too. 

7. I agree having no additional cleaning fees is nice, and you keep your price competitive and have great reviews. One thing to consider is that many people whether they know it or not, like a deal/discount. So if you have a list price that is a higher (or use the dynamic pricing) you can then discount to get a strike out or mention that this is a good deal. I understand people don’t like marketing and this is a form of marketing to display it as such but when you offer promotions you rank higher in searches (along if you have instant book, have recent reviews, have availability (if you are blocked off because of a guest or you personally blocked it then you will rank lower in searches), have high ratings, guest favorite, etc.). I’ve played with keeping the price the same and manually changing it versus dynamic pricing and have found dynamic pricing has higher bookings and I am able to offer promotions and get highlighted more too in a search. I also do market research in similar listings (in app under insights and number of views, scroll to the bottom to see similar listings to yours) or looking at my calendar to see who is booked or unbooked in my area for the same dates (in the app, found under calendar and tapping a date range and scrolling to the bottom).


I hope this helps! You do have a lovely space, provide a great experience and have raving reviews so keep up the great work! 💫

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Fiona615,


Fantastic recommendations from our Hosts 🎉


Looking forward to hearing if you decide to try any of these suggestions.


Please keep us updated!



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