Professional hosting, rule sets and colour coding

Level 2
Sun Valley, Australia

Professional hosting, rule sets and colour coding


I have one listing and have switched on professional hosting.


I have been using rule sets for a while now and I can't see the colour coding for rule sets on my calendar.


I think I am doing something wrong but idk what.


I have read a previous thread here but it didn't make sense to me.


Is anyone able to tell me what I need to do to switch this option on please?





This calendar shows the whole year but no colours for rule sets. 



This option shows colour for one of my rule sets in this screen shot but it only shows one week, not a year like the other calendar which doesn’t have colours for the rule sets. 




4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Lucy973 

To me it looks like your first screenshot is the straightforward Airbnb calendar. This calendar doesn't show professional tools rule sets on the face of the calendar.

The second screenshot is the multi-calendar, which is the professional tools calendar and shows the rule sets. To see future dates, you need to scroll to the right. This is the version of the calendar where you can see and edit rules.

It's a little confusing, because if you go to the straightforward Airbnb calendar (first screenshot) and you click a date, the pop-up screen does have an "apply a rule-set" option right at the bottom of the pop-up. But other than that, you need to use the multi-calendar (second screenshot) for rules.


Thanks so much! You have answered my question. I've been setting all my rules via the single listing calendar rather than the multi-listing.

I assume the multi calendar can't be viewed in a month or year format because it designed for multiple listings?

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Lucy973 

Yes the most you can do is to use the drop-down menu at the top to go to a specific month (or just scroll to the right). It's also not available on the app - you have to use a desktop to see the multi-calendar.

Thank you!