
Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa


I am looking for some advice on how to improve my listing/space. I have recently listed it on air BnB and welcome any tips/advice😊


Listin link 👉 Rental unit in Cape Town · ★New · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 bath


Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 11.31.13 AM.png


[Content updated by Community Manager]

9 Replies 9
Level 1
Pasadena, CA

Hello @Gareth288 ,


I think you need to have professional photos done. While the main photo of the mountain is nice, the space looks dark which doesn’t create a good first impression. I also noticed the laundry and bathroom photos were taken at odd angles. I would make sure each room is camera ready before you have the photos done. Make sure everything is neat and tidy, just like a hotel with not a towel or pillow out of place. Your place looks very modern so make sure people get that clean crisp impression. Also, consider adding a major landmark to your title, like Elevated Elegance by the Waterfront, or whatever is the major draw is there. Also check off as many boxes you can on AirBnB’s amenities list. 

Level 1
New York, United States

Hello @Gareth288,

Suggest you include all the rooms in the listing, kitchen, bath, etc. 

Level 2
Brodheadsville, PA

@Gareth288 Great space! I would add some photos of what it looks like outside, the exterior of the building if possible without giving away the address. Guests like to see the area a little bit before booking. 
Good luck with it! 

Level 2
Santa Barbara, CA

@Gareth288 Greetings from Santa Barbara, California.  I love Capetown, and I LOVE S. Africa.  I'd agree with better pix, but providing specific details in every sentence will tell the reader something new to discover. For example, they're already using a filter and know certain things about your place.  Why not tell them in your title that it's close to everything of interest? that it is a perfect jumping-off point or a business home away from home? they need to know why they should pick your place over others. They don't want generic, empty hotel-like phrases.  Are there good restaurants or take-out options nearby? a gym or public pool?  is there easy parking or public transportation? Start with a low price to get a few good reviews under your belt, and then move up.  Remember what you need when YOU travel, and answer those questions for your reader.

Level 1
Kampala, Uganda

Hi @Gareth288 

For the kitchen and some of the areas with amenities, you could add more pictures focused on each amenity or appliance that you think is important.

For the cover photo, you want it to be the best part of your house that would attract a second or more detailed look at first glance, this way you want to arouse curiosity and interest within the first view of it.

The place looks amazing in general, and I love the aesthetic. 

@Gareth288 Great space and a wonderful location. I agree with others that you need lighter photos. Everything looks too dark. Professional photographers can be expensive but you can improve your photos with a good photo editor and a little bit of practice. Additionally, you need to find a better first photo as it is the one that is featured and will attract renters to your space. I would also work on the wording of your description. It is much too dry and impersonal. You use "There is . . . " quite a bit. Don't be afraid to use AI to help you find the best way to describe your space. Congratulations on getting started with AirBnB and best wishes for astonishing success.

Level 10
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Gareth288 ,


greetings from Venice Italy!


I agree with @Cheryl1019 , you can improve your photos, here is a guide that could help you:


good luck!



Hi @Gareth288 , when i looked at your listing first thing I noticed was that the photos were kind of dull.  Quality photos (crisp, right-angled, taken in good lighting)  will surely bring life to your place and lead to bookings.  You could also have a full image of the mountain that you speak of included in your photos.. By the way, I love that cozy window seating...

Level 2
Graskop, South Africa

Good Evening Gareth, you have a fantastic view over Table Mountain, use it maybe in the following context: 


Serving as Cape Town and South Africa's iconic landmark, Table Mountain is one of the 7 Wonders of Nature. In 2011, over 500 million people worldwide voted for their top wonder of the natural world out of 28 finalists, and Table Mountain made the New 7 Natural Wonders of the World!  


Very few of us can have a sundowner or a reading nook with such a view.