How long does it take to get approval for a short-term renta...
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How long does it take to get approval for a short-term rental in New York City? It's been two and a half months and I still h...
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I have my Airbnb calendar synced with my iCal calendar so I can see all bookings at once. It was awesome.
It showed the names of guests for my 3 apartments. My husband helps me and he could always see what guest was coming by their name on iCal calendar. Also my cleaners could see what guest I was talking about by their names on iCal. Now only the Airbnb reservation number shows up , names are gone... this is really unhelpful for me, for my helper and for my cleaners.
I just put eight properties to follow up on I calendar but unfortunately they all look same and it is hard to space five and arrange them and get some benefits of it
This change broke my system that automatically set entry codes for guests also. I understad the reason, there was no authentication to this url. If it got out somehow or someone figured out how to derive them they could have all the guest data. Airbnb should provite a simplified API for hosts to get access to this data that is authenticated (api token or something similar).
I also just noticed this issue. I've spoken to Airbnb(they had no idea what I was referring to), but now they are aware as they sent me a link to this conversation. They are researching to see if it was intentional.
Brilliant - they "are researching to see if it was intentional" - who cares whether it was intentional or unintentional. Also called today. After a difficult time explaining the issue (was it me or was it the "customer service" rep who couldn't understand - he sent me a link to sync the calendar as a fix) I am now waiting for a call back as he researches. Perhaps I should direct him here.
Is it me or have any of you noticed the dramatic decline in the quality of the CS reps. It used to be one of ABB's strong suits and now it is dreadful. Obviously, they have done a lot of offshoring and it is not working.
I can confirm the same issue. Please fix this and put all the information back including email and phone number and name. ASAP!
Hello! I am having the same issue. This is more critical for me as my smart lock uses the names and telephone numbers to push the codes into the lock for guests to open the door. I currently have 2 guests in the middle of their stay who now cannot get into the house any longer. I have to do a temporary code and get it to them asap so they can get in at least. Please fix this problem.
I’m in the exact same situation. Everything went haywire just as I was about to walk out the door. Spent 30 min just getting a code to work for my current guests ! I sure hope they fix what they broke pronto.
I am having the same issue and my smart lock, as Chantale mentions above, is most impacted and causing guest experience issues. Please fix!! Thank you!
Please fix this asap Airbnb!!! you just erased all my door codes!! This is not good.
Experiencing a similar issue with blocked dates and future unavailable window due to future booking window (i.e book 6 months or less). Airbnb's iCalendar integration seemed to have changes recently.
Same issue here. My ical feeds aren't showing names and numbers and all of my lock codes got deleted. Please fix this!
I am also experiencing this issue over 5 properties. iCalendar export not showing user name, phone number and dates are checkin/out dates are randomly messed up. I sent a bug report and clocked a call and emails fo Airbnb support.
I'm having the same issue. A guest was locked out after their code was deleted. Apparently the names/phone numbers are no longer in the .ical file or something. Please fix!
We are seeing this issue too. AirBNB has just erased all our guest door codes. This has meant that existing guests have been unable to get in and we have been madly scrabbling to fix this manually.
Please AirBNB fix this.