Hello, I work as an engineer/vault designer and have been an...
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Hello, I work as an engineer/vault designer and have been an Airbnb host for my home in Yucca Valley near Joshua Tree Nationa...
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Hello all,
I stayed in an Airbnb in Cajamarca, Peru and when we gave the keys over to the owner, he walked into the apartment to inspect all the rooms. I thought that was rather rude, although, of course, it was their property, but I've never had any host do the same. Are they allowed to do that? There was no policy stating that this was part of normal practice, so I took it as a sign that he mistrusted us, for no reason I could think of. Any thoughts?
Perhaps the owner wanted to make sure you had not left anything behind!
I'm not sure about that, but is that normal to do, or permitted? I would think that type of inspection should be communicated.
@Mahajoy0 Our last two guests left a silver ring and a pair of trousers. This means I have to go to the post office and spend money sending these items back (it feels cheap to charge the few £ it will cost me)
I think checking the accommodation before a guest leaves is entirely sensible - shame we don't do it.
@Mahajoy0 If the host comes down at the time when you are vacating he should be able to enter but only if indeed you have vacated.. General rule of thumb is , you may not know but as soon as you are gone someone else is booked. You are seeing a'behind the scenes ' as it were scenario. He must immediately assess, how long the cleaning and set up will take for the 'new booking ' which may have just come through and they may have asked for early checkin , or he has been asked to check . In theory the host can enter as soon as check out time ticks over. Most hosts wait for people to vacate and do not enter until they have departed, but there is a 'check out time.Did you adhere to that .? Hosts try , or should try to not be rude and its important for them not to be so as a guest , like yourself may mark this against them in the review, so I do not think it was a matter of trust on the hosts part but just rushing and abruptness... H
Thanks Helen,
Yes, I'm quite aware of that, since that has been my experience as a guest that people book and can come in early. I do remember we headed out earlier than the check-out time because we had a flight to catch. But, it is good to know that it is appropriate to assess the place before you leave. However, I did privately write him in the review that it would be more professional to have inspections communicated beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings.
@Mahajoy0 I think it depends if your host communicates with you . Most hosts will remind guests the day before of checkout time via text and sometimes as , I do send a goodbye , around nine o clock, dont forget your stuff , hope you had a good stay , type message. Often when guests receive this message they will reply that they have already left or are leaving early,. This means the host can get an early start on linen etcetera but your host maybe had a different way to do his thing . ... H
Also some hosts do always say goodbye to guests and possibly do check the house while you are there. This is after all short term rental not long term ,but sometimes it is inappropriate if someone is still using the bathroom or other facilities in the house ,but hosts who have had some odd guests may be a bit trigger happy... H
I think you should be happy that the host did this.
Now you both know that the property was left in good condition. That way, you can be accountable, and there can be no discussions after you are gone.
I think it's absolutely fine for a host to do an inspection as part of their checkout process @Mahajoy0 - it's good for you and the host as there can be no follow up on either side re any potential claims for damage/guests claiming listing not as advertised.
However I think they should make this clear as part of their check out process/on their listing.
After running a massage school for 10+ years, I assure you that many people steal. So don't take it personally. I would inspect everything! Of course, this had to be quick, in a respectful manner and clearly stated.
There are many people who, in order to feel "clever" will steal spoons, forks, pillowcases and books.