how to switch to shared bathroom

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

how to switch to shared bathroom

My listing for some reason still shows dedicated bathroom when shared bathroom is selected and saved. This caused some confusion with a guest that wanted to book specifically looking for a dedicated bathroom. My other listing on the same floor shows shared bathroom. How do I get this switched?

Top Answer

Hi @Nicolle46 did you change it under Rooms and Spaces? It is where you can change it as there is an option for you to toggle if an amenity is Shared with others. If you encounter any difficulties or can't find the specific section to change the bathroom settings, you contact Airbnb support so they can provide more assistance tailored to the current layout of their host management interface. Hope this helps! 

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4 Replies 4

Hi @Nicolle46 did you change it under Rooms and Spaces? It is where you can change it as there is an option for you to toggle if an amenity is Shared with others. If you encounter any difficulties or can't find the specific section to change the bathroom settings, you contact Airbnb support so they can provide more assistance tailored to the current layout of their host management interface. Hope this helps! 

Thank you so much for the help! I ended up deleting the bathroom space and re-adding and it worked! 

That’s such good news @Nicolle46 and thank you for letting everyone know that it worked 😊

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Nicolle46 


You've opted in for the Early Release and I can see the problem you have for the Queen bedroom listing.  When you go on the photo tour the bathroom states that it is shared but in the description the guest reads that it is a dedicated bathroom - not great. I can see that this will cause confusion and frustration and must be addressed quickly to avoid any guests asking for a refund!


This may be a bug so a call to customer service might be necessary.  Before that I would try deleting the bathroom completely and recreating that space with photos to see if that fixes it or not.


Let us know!

