improving my listings

improving my listings

good morning all 


hope everyone is doing well and just wanted to pop on here for a quick review on my listings, i want to improve my space, photos and the experience for my guests staying. I want to improve on my listings and if there is help around please could you comment on it if you have time. 


modern entire apartment close to town - Apartments for Rent in Essex, England, United Kingdom - Airb...

cosy 1 bed room apartment, super king bed - Apartments for Rent in Essex, England, United Kingdom - ...

Entire boutique king bed flat near town center - Apartments for Rent in Essex, England, United Kingd...


kind regards 


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

I don’t know the market. I think it looks clean and looks like you have everything people need and nothing they don’t. I don’t know if the dishes and towels are just for staging, but I tried the wine glass thing and people didn’t want them out, they  just put them away in a cabinet. I would suggest some pops of color and some art on the walls.