Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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Why exactly are we being told to bear 100% of the financial burden of this? Oh, right, because Airbnb doesn't actually care about the hosts or their financial well being.
And we aren't Marriott, or United or Airbnb that will probably get bail outs from the government. We just get slammed with the fall out.
The costs for cancellation should be split 50/50. If the guest took out travel insurance then it won't be an issue for them. It always, always seems to fall on the hosts to eat the costs if there's adverse weather or events and guests want to cancel. It's incredibly frustrating.
I fully agree. Airbnb are biased again in favour of the guest. Why does Airbnb pretend when its a 'community' when they offer zero assistance towards the host.
I completely agree! I’ve lost $4000 since they blasted their email last night. Is my mortgage going to let me cancel my payment due to coronavirus? No. I understand that they want to give that option, but it should not fall 100% on the hosts! 50/50 ok. Or how about insurance so that no one loses? What irks me more is their email states how they are looking out for the hosts by letting us cancel. What??? No you are pushing us into a hardship!
I’m rather annoyed that they’ve allowed guests to cancel under this policy that aren’t really even applicable - we’re not in an affected area, no confirmed cases here, the guests aren’t sick or diagnosed, and they’re not foreigners. And yet we just got a message from AirBnB stating they cancelled due to them incident involving (our area)’ . It’s not being policed very well and hosts aren’t being consulted.
Yeah. Airbnb is creating a panic and trying to localize "An Incident". We already had a policy, and were reaching out to guests to "cancel without penalty or CHANGE your booking dates into Summer". The system sending auto messages before connecting with Hosts is very short-sighted and irresponsible.
Absolutely, it I incredulous and short sighted, who ever drafted those "incident" emails to guests should resign. My little village has no coronavirus, in fact the whole county had its first case yesterday. This false and misleading statement sent on my behalf has insight fear and has been quoted by all the guests that have cancelled. Who is running your comms department? Unbelievable. Feel hurt beyond words that you would treat your hosts like this.
That "incident" message is actually being typed into messaging by AIRBNB...NOT THE GUEST! So there is another ream of trust broken.
totally agree especially when it says 'cancelled by admin' but you get the same generic message when a guest cancels!
I am glad I see your post. I am in Indian Rocks Beach Florida!. My guests have been getting messages from Airbnb stating " because of the incident that took place in Indian Rocks Beach"your reservation is available for 100% refund!. My guests are texting me saying - sorry I have to cancel. I did not know that Indian Rock Beach had INCIDENTS of corona Virus!.
There are NO Corora Virus incidents In Indian Rocks Beach but Airbnb is misleading my guests by making statements that make no sense - ensuring 100% cancellations on my properties!!
This is how much support hosts get from Airbnb!!!
This has also happened to me...a guest just said they had to cancel due to the incident in Newcastle upon Tyne, I said no problem, but could you tell me whac the incident is, I’ve not been aware of one...now I realise it’s Airbnb!? I think that is really inappropriate language....it implies some out of the ordinary has happened but actually life is pretty much carry on here, the schools have not closed and bars and restaurants are still open.
I am on Anna Maria island and the exact same thing is happening. What started as a little concern has spiraled after received a email that " an incident has occurred " in our area... which is not accurate.
@Susi23 I didn't realize Airbnb sent out messages to guests, I had already reached out to some guests because I knew they wouldn't be coming because their event was cancelled. One person however did say they would be cancelling due to the "Incident effecting Toronto"; I was like incident, what incident the olympic swim trials being cancelled, didn't realize that was considered an "incident"
Of course I didn't say that last part, that was my inside voice
Oh I know!! I was absolutely insulted to receive an email stating “due to the incident in Edinburgh I am cancelling” There has not been an incident so I assumed the guest was being rude and was ill- informed. . I asked what Incident they were referring to and they told me that it was an automated Air B n B response!! This is the sort of propaganda that ruins reputations and economies. How can they lie?? Who on earth thought setting up a generic response like that was acceptable?
I bought CFAR travel insurance and collected from them on this whole cancellation, but I then called Airbnb and also collected my money-back from the Host. No questions asked by those brainless customer service people at Airbnb. I'm collecting twice because Airbnb is so stupid they are letting me do this. Even my travel insurance company made me just through all sorts of hoops before paying me, even though the insurance is called "cancel for any reason." Airbnb actually does let you CFAR. Yay me!