Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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Why exactly are we being told to bear 100% of the financial burden of this? Oh, right, because Airbnb doesn't actually care about the hosts or their financial well being.
And we aren't Marriott, or United or Airbnb that will probably get bail outs from the government. We just get slammed with the fall out.
The costs for cancellation should be split 50/50. If the guest took out travel insurance then it won't be an issue for them. It always, always seems to fall on the hosts to eat the costs if there's adverse weather or events and guests want to cancel. It's incredibly frustrating.
@Anne-And-Cameron0 I doubt anyone is giggling but how in the world did your predicament come to such a dire situation in such a short period of time? It only takes a month of no airbnb income and you're wiped out? Done? Kaput? Out on the street?
You're doing something wrong dear. You may want to reevaluate your finances and life goals. Being completely dependant on airbnb income is not a healthy way to live.
Ah dear, I had to reread my post to see how you could misinterpret it so greatly. I don't need the income to survive, but in a world where me or my spouse may lose our jobs perhaps the $10k we lost would have been nice? Or more importantly, it would be nice not to lose all of the $40k we have booked the rest of the year.
Black swan events are difficult to financially plan for, especially if you think about all three income sources (two jobs and Airbnb income) evaporating overnight. But I will make sure my future plans account for $0 annual income, I appreciate the advice. Thanks
oh so you were just being overly dramatic in your "i am on my knees bleeding chips" post. Now I understand. What does bleeding chips mean?
It's only march. No one can predict what will happen with this virus. Why would you assume that you're going to lose ALL of your 2020 bookings? That's overly dramatic too.
No, I legit think bleeding $10k in booked revenue is a lot of money to me. We clearly are in different positions where that is an inconsequential amount of money to you. Is it bankruptcy money? No. Is it a lot of money? Yes (to me sorry if it's chump change for you).
I have people asking to cancel may-september already... And there are reports this may be an 18 month ordeal.
You need to go list on other platforms. As many as you can...that is the only way to do it now. You cannot just list on Airbnb. They should NOT have the full support of these Hosts -- they Hosts who are regular and frequent year-round bookers -- we bring in a huge amount of money to them and they screwed us. You need to set up listings on as many other legit platforms as posssible right now. All of these Hosts need to do it now. Once Coronavirus passes Airbnb believes you will be with them -- you cannot have allegiance to Airbnb any longer. I know you know that but you don't want to forget this when it is behind us and things go back to normal. You don't want them to have your July and August bookings. No way!
@Donald28 Just stop it. We know you've got 500 5-star reviews, make a lot of money off Airbnb **. No one wants to read your "advice".
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@Piotr48 you would do well to read my advice. I have 1 listing, 400 reviews, I have been a superhost for 3 years running and I don't make "a lot" of money "off airbnb" (probably more than your 6 listings combined do though). What I do make is ...extra money ...ON airbnb. Just like the co founders of airbnb who put air mattresses on their floor, I do not depend on the money.
You on the other hand do depend on airbnb money so you're understandably crazed right now. Your business (which very recently sprung up out of the misuse of the airbnb platform), VIP apartments... has 6 listings and whopping 90 total reviews. You have your head somewhere and it isn't in reality.
You sir are doing airbnb wrong. You are what is wrong with airbnb. You've taken something meant for a specific use and turned it into something completely different. How's that working out now?
Donald28. You are right. Airbnb is the perfect place for Hosts who don't rely on the income from renting their places and it should go back to being solely that -- "mattress on the floor" kind of enterprise. The owners have never really matured out of that. The disenfrachised Hosts on who are on this thread (and that is who this thread is about and who this thread is for) should move to other platforms and never come back to Airbnb, and Airbnb should return to their roots. Maybe that is what Airbnb CEO is aiming for with these recently actions.
Donald28, what exactly is your job title at Airbnb?
I dont work for airbnb. They work for me.
@Anne-And-Cameron0 - If it's any consolation, dear @Donald28 misinterprets EVERYTHING greatly!
@Donald28 you're a horrible person. Who are you to tell someone what they should do with their finances? You don't know them. You seriously show little character when you want to wave your little pious finger at someone, when this situation could happen to anyone. You should be ashamed of yourself. We are in this together, the whole world will suffer long term and we don't need you're type of nonsense at this time.
I am a truthful person. You can go ahead and socially caress all those who are whining about how they're going to lose their home if you like but I am going to tell it like it is.
Wake up. This pandemic IS happening to everyone! It is ONLY severely affecting those people who are in over their head & rely on airbnb income. They're the only people crying about losing a bunch of bookings. Yes it sucks but most of us are not crying to the CEO about it.
This is a wake up call for hosts. **bleep** happens. Pandemics happen. Extenuating circumstances happen. Sorry if you can't handle it. I'm going to be fine. Many of us who have been using airbnb as it was intended will also be fine.
@Donald28 Being an *bleep* is not being truthful. You have a space within your home, so to compare yourself with a host who has a entire house is ridiculous. Not to mention you are older and I assume married. So you have been better equipped to build wealth. Losing airbnb may not affect you, but another unforeseen event like health problems can. So before you start speaking from your high horse, you should consider that others may not not be able whether this type of storm. They have families, they need a place over their head and food on the table.
I do not rent a space within my home. But okay. I'll just shut up and let you snowflakes continue to whine about how terrible airbnb is while not having balls enough to leave the platform for greener pastures.