Airbnb completely threw their hosts under a bus regarding Covid-19

Airbnb completely threw their hosts under a bus regarding Covid-19

Why exactly are we being told to bear 100% of the financial burden of this? Oh, right, because Airbnb doesn't actually care about the hosts or their financial well being.


And we aren't Marriott, or United or Airbnb that will probably get bail outs from the government.  We just get slammed with the fall out.


The costs for cancellation should be split 50/50. If the guest took out travel insurance then it won't be an issue for them. It always, always seems to fall on the hosts to eat the costs if there's adverse weather or events and guests want to cancel. It's incredibly frustrating.

596 Replies 596
Level 10
Tønsberg, Norway

Level 2
San Diego, CA

Agreed 100%  and I am really enraged about it!  It is so completely unfair. While I completely understand that people need to reduce their travel and cancel for the good of all, I absolutely DO NOT understand why hosts have to bear 100% of the financial loss.  This will be devastating if it continues for months.

I am furious withAirbnb and have submitted several feedback tickets on the subject.  I think we should all find a way to make them listen to this very legitimate complaint. How can we do that??  Does anyone know how to actually reach someone at Airbnb who can do something?

I did call and talk to them about this too. As this crisis very well last into the summer months, and we are just going to continue refund in full on a non-stop basis, and everyone knows they can just cancel with a single word reason “Coronavirus”.

Level 3
Washington, DC
Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

Lets not allow this forum just because a place where we vent our fury.  Lets take  action.

Airbnb are Snakes.

Please sign petition (AirBNB's UNFAIR treatment of HOSTS amid COVID-19)

Level 2
Prague, CZ

Airbnb changed the cancellation policy apparently without input from their hosts, and we are the backbone of your business. As host I am outraged that guests can cancel for full refund. Fair would have been half refund. Many hosts, myself included, have invested much in airbnb business and it's our livelyhood. Guests on the other hand are spending their disposable income. So for us it means going broke, while for guests it means keeping all their money. Honestly I have seen a big negative shift in airbnb attitude towards hosts in the past 12 months, including the host guarantee not being honored and more strict cancellation policy against hosts. BDC becomes more attractive now.

What's BDC?

Level 2
Kailua-Kona, HI

I just posted and now Airbnb is removing them.

Level 2
Lisbon, Portugal

According to our original strict cancellation policy, last minute cancelation were not entitled any  refund.

However since  March 15, Airbnb has established its own contigency policy which overrides our own original policy. This shows little regard for the hosts which are an important part of its business.

I have had my own long distance travels here within Portugal cancelled without being entitled to any refund. This is what Customer Service replied to my request for a refund: “The company’s Terms and Conditions Policy were known to you when you bought the ticket”. Period!

I can understand no charges for our guests that have booked with us in the forthcoming months, but under these circumstances people like me, will see their main source of income unexpectedly cut to 0 already this month. The guests however who bought flights and made reservations  must have had the financial availability to do this trip, and are surely being reimbursed for their flights at least.

These are very disturbing and concerning times for all of us. I find that splitting the burden in these extraordinary circumstances would just seem the right thing to do. This small gesture would mean a lot to hosts in these very confusing days. Solidarity to all the people, solidarity to the hosts, too!


My idea for how Airbnb should handle this.



Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures

Think out of the box - have courage and vision


In 2018 Airbnb’s projected revenue figure was  $3.8 billion ( not sure what actual figures were or what the end of year profit and cash flow was). The founders are all billionaires on Forbes 500.


Airbnb should pay all hosts (there are 7 million plus)  what they earned last year for the same time frame (starting when this started in January) until the pandemic ends, and deduct what hosts receive(d) during this time. Possibly the total will be more than Airbnb earned last year - but eyes on the future prize please!

Sometimes going back to square one is the best move.

And I am sure Airbnb can figure the calculation and algorithms for what is a simple equation.


Reasons:  It would be stellar marketing and publicity, and probably less than Airbnb will have to pay for positive PR and survival to maintain and burnish its 'everyone belongs' we are community when this is over: it would demonstrate care for public health and safety, and Airbnb community, and  increase host's trust and loyalty to brand, and show respect for the people who made this business possible—hosts (guests are already taken care of with 100% refund at the host's expense). This  is what Airbnb needs to survive if they want to be a cut above the rest and show humanity and vision,  if, and it is a big if, they are banking on going forward with the same model. Are they?


I have read that some businesses are doing this, true, they are exceedingly rare at the moment.


And, going forward,  stipulate that guests must have travel insurance that way hosts are not penalized by irresponsible travelers. I am sure Airbnb could negotiate a favorable rate for Airbnb users, if they bothered. There are many more improvements but this would be a good start...


One can but live in hope in trying times!


This could be the beginning of the end for Airbnb with regards to ‘quality accommodation’ ... 

Level 2
Boston, MA

I had the option for guest to get a 10% lower rate on booking so they couldn't cancel. AirBnB just threw that out the door and is giving guests 100% refund of cost of their stay (what we host get). So essentially, we gave up 10% in income since that program has been active, and now that we have an emergency and mortgages to pay, airbnb is not doing anything for hosts. At the very least airbnb should refund me the 10% I gave up for all the guests that have booked under that policy. Or do something to help hosts who for these two months are suffering the most.

Level 2
Bellingham, WA

Why are we Hosts expected to bear 100% of the Cancellations during this epidemic?  It's destroying my Air BnB Business, making it impossible for me to make my House Payment