How Can I Opt Out of "Contributions to Hosts" ?

Level 10
Peterborough, Canada

How Can I Opt Out of "Contributions to Hosts" ?

As part of the help and support to hosts announced by Brian Chesky yesterday, one of the initiatives announced was that Airbnb will be sending emails to previous recent guests, asking them to consider making a contribution to the host they stayed with.


I do not want/need anything sent on my "behalf" to previous guests, asking for donations/contributions.


How can I opt out? Guidance very much appreciated...


136 Replies 136
Level 10
Northland, New Zealand

@Jennifer1421  My understanding was that your previous guests would be asked if they would like to send a small token to you in order to help you out.❤️ You can refuse the donation was my understanding.

We now have an app here in NZ where you can order and pay for a coffee in the future to one of our favorite ‘closed to C-19 cafes’  in order to help keep them afloat  as they are all going to go under due to our lockdown. 
Kia Kaha 


We have the same programs happening here with many of our vendors, where we can buy gift certificates now, for use when they re-open.

It's not the same thing though - I will receive a service at a later date for my purchase now, if I buy a gift certificate. Chesky's proposal seems to be asking for straight up charity from my past guests.

The idea to send the email out asking for help, to only then have hosts who don't need it/want it/are mortified by the idea of it to refuse the kindness of any strangers who may feel moved to offer that help is back-a**wards and insulting to those guests.


Building this so that it is "opt-in" only for hosts who truly need the help is the right way to go about this. Not doing so, or not at least offering an opt-out, is horrfyingly paternalistic and waaaaay beyond the scope of the platform's remit.


Sure hope more details are released soon, and that these emails don't get sent out automatically without my knowledge or consent.

Level 10
Northland, New Zealand

@Jennifer1421   The whole world is in crisis I can’t imagine anyone putting though a donation to be honest.  I would rather nominate a charity org like the Sallies. Or buy a nurse a face visor. 

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland



I certainly hope we can opt out, because under no circumstances do I want Airbnb going to my past guests with a begging bowl, on my behalf. As much as I could do with the funds right now, no words can describe how much I hate the idea of my guests - who quite possibly are struggling financially themselves - being approached to make donations to me, however small.


It's bad enough being put in this position in the first place by way of Airbnb's abusive policies, but now it seems they want to strip us of every last shred of pride and dignity too, and have us go scrounging to governments and even our past guests, for a few quid to see us through. 


I just can't get my head around how anyone in their right mind thought this was a rational or acceptable thing to..The brass neck of it! Shameful, cringeworthy, and bang out of order. I want no part of it. 

Thank you Susan and well said! This is the silliest of all the silly anouncements I have heard so far. I don't even understand how they could come up with such a stupid idea "Hey, let's strip hosts of payments they are entitled to (and that guests could have been refunded via their travel insurance most of the time) AND let's appeal to their former guests for a charity donation at the same time"... WHAT?!!!

Couldn't agree more, @Susan17 


I realize that there are many hosts who may well be in the position to need such help, and I'm certainly not going to judge or begrudge them the means to get it. Personally, though, I cannot countenance such an email being sent on my behalf to (as you point out) past guests who are very likely struggling themselves.


I have no problem looking for support, but I absolutely require my own autonomy while doing so.

@Jennifer1421 @Laurence-and-Jean-Michel0 

I honestly thought that there was nothing left that Airbnb could do that would shock me, but my jaw hit the floor when I heard Chesky come out with that. It's just so stunningly inappropriate for any company to even dream up such a brazen, preposterous plan, let alone for a multi-billion dollar global corporation to announce it to the world as one of the four pillars of their "rescue package".for their own service providers. 


Not only that, there are so, so many ways this could backfire on the hosts it's allegedly meant to "help". I can imagine guests who are trying to figure out how they're going to pay their own bills, suddenly receiving a begging letter from a host they might have stayed with for a single night several years ago (and forgotten the host even existed), sitting there going, "WTAF...??!". Or guests that had never even met the host thinking, "Are they taking the p*ss?" Or maybe even spiteful, vengeful guests that the host had thrown out receiving it, and sending nasty threatening messages (or worse) to the host in return. Just so many ways it could go terribly wrong. 


And knowing Airbnb, the emails to the guests would probably be worded along the lines of, "Susan's going through a tough time right now and really needs your help, so in the spirit of Airbnb, she's asking if you could find it in your heart to make a charitable donation to her" 


Just NO! Not in my name. 


Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Stephanie @Lizzie Can you tell the powers that be that hosts don't want the embarrassment of a begging bowl being sent to previous guests?


(Especially bargain basement hosters of 1 night guests, like me. They spent £20 + £3 commission at mine. They should NOT be asked to give me a hand out!)

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Helen350 et al,


We are relying every single request here from the CC to "the powers that be," (great expression haha). I will try and get some information on this for you asap. As Lizzie mentioned, this hasn't kicked off yet so will get as much info beforehand for you as possible. 







Please follow the Community Guidelines 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I agree I hate the thought of my previous guests being approached on my behalf.


I can't imagine any decent host wanting Airbnb to do this in their name.


Airbnb please reconsider @Stephanie 

Oh, god @Stephanie Please send our requests to be able to opt-out! We DO need the help, sadly, but not like this. It's terribly inappropriate and I can only see this backfiring. Please abandon the idea!

Right there with you @Jennifer1421 and @Susan17 


Absolutely NO. Never!!! 


OMG!!!!!! Asking past guests for donations is IMO just so totally ridiculous and honestly...... UNTHINKABLE. Who the heck at Airbnb comes up with these things?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Lizzie , could you please urgently make sure this  is opt-in only! @Admin3 , @Admin7 , hitting random admins sorry. @Airbnb , @Aisling 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Sandra126, I'll look into this and get back to you when I have more information. I don't believe it's been launched yet. 




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