Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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As part of the help and support to hosts announced by Brian Chesky yesterday, one of the initiatives announced was that Airbnb will be sending emails to previous recent guests, asking them to consider making a contribution to the host they stayed with.
I do not want/need anything sent on my "behalf" to previous guests, asking for donations/contributions.
How can I opt out? Guidance very much appreciated...
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What a dreadful idea. Between my silly new superhost designation, a meaningless "distinction" in the best of times and a silly trifle in these perilous times. At the moment, we have European guests stuck here by airport closures and our near-total lockdown. It is a pleasure to share our refuge away from congested urban areas during this crisis (at, might I add, a very deep discount). Neither the gold star Mrs. Dean pasted on my homework in first grade nor my new "superhost" status are major factors in our formula for cheerful endurance. What kind of nincompoops would treat my guest list as a mailing list for a humiliating plea for handouts?
Ok, let's put it in another way. How would Airbnb feel if hosts took it upon themselves to ask their recent guests for a handout. I think instant delisting. But it's the same thing in the end, as it will be done in our names.
can we ask our guest. on behalf of airbnb, and said I have no credit card so I can't send any money to Airbnb.
I agree. We are in uncharted financial waters globally. I don’t want Airbnb approaching guests who have booked with me in the past, asking for money, saying it’s on my behalf.
Hello am I alone to think that by doing so the founder is admitting guilt on refunding the guest 100% !
I don't want any money from guest that actually came stayed and paid to sleep in 1 of my airbnb !
nor I want charity from guest that took 100% refund and run! and didn't share any responsibility or lost! when in fact they were suppose to be in the position that we are in , strict cancellation policy was my insurance to pay for my mortgage and a 60 000$ loan I made to renovate and fully furnish 4 apartments, now I try to get a second mortgages or a loan and I cant thanks to airbnb , from them I don't want charity and now honestly nothing but they should have been held responsible for at least 25% of there reservation ! refund 75% to guest would have been enough and host 50 % refund that would have been more acceptable and fair! When the cancellation started I ask to all the futur guest that wanted to cancel but weren't cover with full refund that airbnb were offering them 50% at the time I told them if they cancel I would lower the price announce it everywhere with promotion and then refund them 100% explaining my financial situation and I had enough time to rent it again ! they all waited to the last minute to get full refund passing by the back door with airbnb ! they had to know what was coming They didn't care about my financial situation I dont want anything from them I want the 25% from airbnb I hope they will honor this promess at least but Im gonna wait to say thank you!
Some of my guests have told me they rent in small or substandard houses so if they get a request for a donation to send to me they are going to think well he lives in a beautiful 2 story house with pool, gazebo, etc and we are struggling so they are going to think this is in very poor taste and reflect badly on me, so please reconsider Brian.
Yep. Many of my guests are living in worse places, which is why they treat the m selves to a brief stay here . Not a good look to beg.
Airbnb can go to the trouble of setting this BS up, essentially turning Hosts into charity cases, but the one thing that hosts have been asking for years for, is travel insurance and it seem beyond Airbnb's comprehension to deliver.
What part of Travel insurance does Chesky and his mothley crew not understand?.
And in reality, how is Airbnb going to disperse funds to hosts? If someone donates $5.00, is Airbnb just going to deposit $5.00 to the specific host account, or are they going to take a cut (disbursement never mentioned), just for handling and so a host gets, ?? $3.00. And do we ever find out who it came from? One of our regulars, just a one time guest? Do we see what this request actually states and how it is worded? Too much they have not told us here.
I have reconciled myself to the loss of income. I am yet again disappointed but not surprised by Airbnb's "offer". However I would be absolutely horrified if Airbnb were to contact my guests and ask for a donation. Count me in for an opt out from this hideous idea.
Our only income is via airbnb - as we are in deep rural Scotland we do not have an annual flow of guests - usually just the summer months, and we stretch this revenue to last our family of five throughout the year.
We are currently in dire financial circumstances like many others, but DO NOT WANT YOU - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TO GO BEGGING to our past customers. How shamefull, embarrasing and downright rude when you take advance payments from our guests - sometimes months ahead, do not pay out till they in many cases have already departed, then offer us just 12.5% of what should be our 50% cancellation policy!!
NO, NO and NO again. Time to fire your advisors and get people who understand this side of the industry - because clearly you and those in your team have little understanding of the meaning of the 'hospitality' industry.
Are you listening now??
Hi Lizzie can u please make contact with whoever is in control of this and make sure that I am not included in asking past guests for donations. It really is such a terribly idea. And embarrassing for us as hosts. Thanks in advance
Kindly exclude me from this campaign as well, Airbnb. Thanks to your ridiculous override of my cancellation policies, your announcement that you will be paying a very select group of Superhosts, and making it so that the guest has to ask me to cancel their reservation, I already look like a major jerk. I would rather eat worms than beg my past guests for money after YOU put me in this situation. Thank you.
My sentiments exactly. Well put. Like the guests would pay anyway, especially those that ask for a special offers
I contacted Airbnb yesterday about this stating that I didn’t want to be part of it. They told me I would be sent a form some time this month and there will be an option to select opting out. So we will have the chance to tell them not to contact our previous guests asking for money.