Airbnb is not a place to voice your political views. It has ...
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Airbnb is not a place to voice your political views. It has nothing to do with it. This is only a place to ask questions abou...
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Launch date appears set for December 10. Expected share price $44-50. The company has also submitted an amended S-1 filing to the SEC yesterday which you can see here (and nope, I'm not trawling through all 350 pages of it to play "spot the difference" 😀, will leave that to the finance journos and market analysts)
@Melodie-And-John0 @Christine615 @Helen350 @Sally221 @Sarah977 @Ute42 @Zohreh1 @Emiel1
I got the email a few minutes ago. Mine's time stamped 7.04 pm.CT. $68, and the full allocation I requested.
@Christine615 The range went to $56 - $60 a couple of days back.
Cramer was interviewed yesterday saying $68 was the place to buy in.... hmmmm....
exactly - oh my how our society is media driven.
Cramer gives me pause. He recommended people buy Bear Stearns right before it crashed.
But Forbes magazine was positive despite Airbnb’s missteps and balance sheet.
P.S. Thanks for the heads up. I got the email.
@Christine615 I did an options trading course once. The trainer said the best options traders were only right 55% of the time. I guess one doesn't have to be right all the time, just better than 50% of the time 😉
Per the IPO, I have now confirmed twice over the last 10 days that I am enrolled and eligible via Airbnb, and am now on hold hour 2 with Morgan Stanley and Airbnb who are both blaming the other party for the mix up. Lots of apologies and very little to no action to resolve. Very frustrating, especially Airbnb's response and constant maneuvering me to other support areas vs. actually trying to resolve my situation with an email to Morgan Stanley.
How do I contact airbnb since all airbnb phone numbers are not working. i registered for the direct share program and not receive any email from Morgan Stanley. i did not receive any email to indicate i was not qualified either. Please share airbnb phone number. thanks.
Pretty sure it's too late. We (who set up accounts at morgan stanley) had to do so at invite about a week ago? Short window to get enrolled before closed. @Martin3622
done! just got email. was allocated 200 in the DSP. (I think it was a number I had entered early before maxing). I'm confirmed.
Shares available were 200, priced @ $68 per.
Same here. Requested 275, but were allocated 200 at @$68/share. Purchase confirmed. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.
Fingers crossed!
Man! You must be a day trader, or a minute-by-minute trader. LOL. Remember, buy and hold, hold, hold for the long term.
Happy Holidays and Happy Hosting,
Allen107 in Brownsville, ORegon
Based on sage advice in this forum (especially Sharon1014) decided to only gamble 50 shares.
@Allen107 Neither. First individual stocks I've ever owned. But anyone I talked to, said BUY! So, here I am.
Likewise. Despite owning portions of many stocks in low-cost indexed mutual funds through prior employers, these are the first individual stocks for me, too. It could be a wild and fun ride. Allen107