Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. C...
Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. Como moro em uma Cidade Turística e praiana, a melhor época é a se...
A second wave of COVID-19 is going to visit all countries!
This might seem boring but can you please continue to read this post because the second part of it is important to everyone!!
As of yesterday Friday 15th May, my state has been officially classified coronavirus free! We have beaten this bug
But this doesn’t mean we are out of trouble. We are still social distancing and we are keeping our borders closed. It will probably be the end of the year before we allow international travelers back into this state.
Countries who have got on top of the virus such as South Korea are finding that they are facing renewed outbreaks and the main reason for this is the current method of coronavirus testing…..it is simply not reliable!
This South Korean epidemiologist explains why there is a weak spot in the system.
This may be difficult to follow because it is in spoken Korean, but it is subtitled. If you watch from 4 minutes 20 seconds until about 9 minutes, he explains the flaw in the testing system.
It is not known as yet if people who have been infected and subsequently have recovered have antibodies that prevent them from being re-infected. It is more probable that they have a relapse…..not a re-infection.
As this doctor states, the virus needs a minimum of 3,000 replications in the human body before it will show up as a positive result! Under that 3,000 replications the result will show as, negative. Now that’s not to say the person does not have coronavirus, it just means there is not enough of the virus in the body to show as a positive result!
Someone can be given the all clear, been given medication to alleviate the symptoms and after time test negative, but still have the virus active in their system. Because they have been cleared they don’t worry about social distancing and they just mingle into the community and……….this is where the second spike is going to come from.
We are aware of this here in our state which is why we still haven’t opened up Pubs and restaurants and sporting activities such as football, despite the fact that we are coronavirus free!
Please be aware there will be a second spike in this disease and prepare for it. Take notice of what this doctor is saying. He is a professional and knows exactly what he is talking about…….. unlike the US president.
Stay safe, stick with social quarantining, if you do, we will all be able to get back to normal far quicker than if we try to kid ourselves that there are short-cuts here.
Anyone can join, but don't you have to have an Airbnb account to join? Regardless, Airbnb pays for it and thus they own it and thus they decide its rules and thus who can stay, or not. Just like my island - you are welcome to book it and even come, but guests have to play by my rules since I own it (aka The Golden Rule). Private ownership is such a beautiful thing.
I agree, I'm not disputing that. All I'm saying is this forum is not "private", it's open to anyone with an Airbnb account or not.
Ah, I left out the second word on my original post: private property. Fixed.