Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
Anyone else having trouble with the CS phone? (4:30pm US Pacific Std Time)
I get message saying "your call can't be completed at this time - please try again later"?
Beside phone call, did you try " live chat " with a CS? ( not an Airbnb bot)
Usually, you will have an answer from them within minutes.
In addition, contact Airbnb via social media Twitter, Facebook for attention with fast respond.
Thanks - I'll give that a try.
Dale and Dan:
Don't know how to reach a CS by chat in the US. Link you posted is for Canada and in any case there is no live chat option...
1. Click on “ Help” column page
2. Go to the bottom of the right page, click the in box “ contact us”
3. Start charting, do chart with the CS ( not an Airbnb bot ) continue to click till someone answer you
Step 1 # Airbnb Help page
Step 2# Click Contact us
Thanks again - I never noticed that button. You're lifesavers!
And I found you can call as well, it's just a different number.
Best regards,
@Patrick1040 Many hosts have found that messaging is actually better than calling. Calls get dropped after you've been waiting on hold, you're told there is no recird of you having calked about something, promises to call you back never happen.
At least with the messaging, there's a trail that can be followed.
So if it's not an emergency (which I've never had) my choice is always the messaging.
You just have to word your messages to CS very concisely and briefly. Don't go on and on with paragraphs, try to use bullet point form, in chronological order, to explain your issue or question.
Thanks - that's helpful.
Phone support had been great for me over the years. I've never had to wait and the issues are usually resolved quickly. Haven't had any of the issues others report. Once I found the right number it was business as usual :). But I'll have the chat option in my quiver as well!
Thanks again.