Hello everyone, I am planning to rent out my 1+1 apartment i...
Hello everyone, I am planning to rent out my 1+1 apartment in Kyrgyzstan as a short-term rental. However, I’m unsure about th...
My guest is staying two nights and wants to stay an additional two nights and wants to apply a coupon. She's telling me she has to complete her current reservations and then reserve two more nights, but can only apply her coupon, if I reduce my rates for those two days. In the meantime, we don't want anyone to make a reservation during this time, so how do I block these two days before she reserves those days. Hope this makes sense.
" but can only apply her coupon, if I reduce my rates for those two days."
This seems unlikely to me, as a coupon useally will be used to spend the total value
The only matter is: a new reservation will charge the cleaning fee (if any) again.
Useally the current reservation would be extended using the "change" option and then the cleaning fee (If any) will not be charged again (but when extending a reservation the use of a coupon is not possible)
So leave the rates as they are and let the guest book. You can refund the cleaning fee (if any) afterwards by changing ("change"option) the reservation and amend the price in the change form.
@Emiel1 The host doesn't want to rent for those 2 days, it sounds like.
@Stephanie2086 Just go onto your calendar page and click on the dates you want to block, and mark them as blocked in the box that will appear to the right of the calendar. Blocking and unblocking dates is basic hosting stuff, so I suggest you start reading the articles for hosts in the Help section of the main site so you get familiar with everything.
And what the guest is saying re her coupon makes no sense, and a guest has no business telling you to reduce your rate so she can use a coupon. She probably just doesn't want to pay any extra beyond the value of her coupon or doesn't realize that she will just be charged for any amount over the value of the coupon.
Thanks for your reply. I did as you said and I only saw a check mark and an "X" next to "Available" I assume if I click the "X" that means it's blocked? I thought I had read everything I needed to host and even looked this up and couldn't find an answer. You're right the guest doesn't want to pay over the value of the coupon b/c she's fallen on hard times, but we discussed it and I offered to let her stay for free those two days and that's when she mentioned the coupon. I would only be losing about $10, so I wish to grant her grace and mercy like Jesus offered to me. So now that it's blocked??? After she checks out, I still don't see how to reduce my rate, just for those two days. Any help would be appreciated.
@Stephanie2086 If you are going to take pity on every guest who gives you some sob story about their finances or hard life, you are going to end up with squatters who make a mess who you are supporting. These are strangers off the internet- they can tell you any lies they want. Try not to be naive.
If you want to go out and do good works in the name of Jesus, volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, that's one thing, but your Airbnb listing is a business, not a free place to live.
No, you should see the words "Available" and "Blocked" in the box to the right of your calendar after you click on a date. You have to check the "Blocked" setting.
Thank you Sarah - I may be being naive, but I also have the gift of discernment. My BS meter goes off whenever I hear lies. She had the opportunity to lie to me at least once since her visit and she chose not to. You do bring up a concerning point about "squatters" that I hadn't taken into consideration. Will pray on it, but she insists she has elsewhere to go after these two days. At any rate, my listing still shows "Available" with an X. I guess if someone tries to make a reservation during these two days, I can just decline. I still however don't know how to change my price for these days.
The guest isn't being honest with you. Why would her coupon be affected by how much you charge. That's a ridiculous thing for her to say @Stephanie2086
If you want to go ahead with this booking. Then block the dates in your calendar. Tell the guest you have done so and then agree a time to unblock so she can book using her coupon. She will then just pay for whatever your rate is less whatever her voucher is worth.
Personally I wouldn't accept an extension to a booking from a guest who tried to mislead me.