Anyone else noticed that notification emails and from the Airbnb app don't always appear for some types of booking requests?
It seems to happen when someone who doesn't meet my verification standards (I have my verification requirements set to the strictest required) submits a booking request, whereupon Airbnb places them on some kind of hold while they verify ID, and then whenever Airbnb finally gets around to approving the ID, the subsequent booking request appears in my inbox but never generates a push notification or an email.
It frequently happens with close-in bookings (same-day/next day), and I've lost more than one potential booking because I didn't get a push notification and it might be several hours between when their request is made and when I next happen to open the app and see it sitting in my inbox (usually with a status of "Request Withdrawn").
I just had this happen with a booking request for tomorrow, and I asked the guest what happened and if he wanted to submit another booking request, and this was his response:
> They cancelled on me because the picture on the ID was not clear. They had me retake the picture and everything went through but I never heard anything back so I booked another place
I just wanted to confirm whether this is happening to others, and if so, Airbnb needs to file a bug report to restore notifications for these types of events.