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something went wrong please contact with customer support service
Dear @Catherine Powell
if you have hosts so negligent that they need constant reminders to communicate with their guests why are they on the platform? I do not need you to ding my phone constantly with idiotic suggestions like making sure I’m available. It’s my home. Of course I’m available.
That cell phone ding that goes off in the middle of meetings, family gatherings and god forbid we get a bathroom break is only for when guests are booking or need something.
I turned your reminders off in notifications and the app turned all notifications off. I no longer got pinged for booking notifications, guest questions.
I have a guest checking in. My account clearly shows ongoing conversations. I DO NOT NEED A BABYSITTER sending me preschool instructions on the day of checkin and days before. The interruptions aren’t welcome nor are the reminders to consider homes in my own saved vacation searches.
You don’t build business by annoying your clients.
I’m employed and so is my cohost. So stop the unnecessary interruptions. Please hire some grownups to work on your platform and focus on policing the hosts with complaints.
SUPERHOSTS don’t need hand holding!
There are days when I wonder if it would be easier to go back to long term tenants. Love my Airbnb guests (most at least), hate Airbnb’s platform dysfunction.
rant over!
Thanks @Ann72
I think he has a race issue since the aggression isn’t applied to other women who have strong opinions.
it might surprise him that Catherine responded to me on another thread acknowledging my concerns and saying she was taking them to staff. And I’m on focus groups.
He’s a super host but clearly he doesn’t know as much as he claims.
@Christine615 It seemed clear it was a race issue, but I stopped short of a direct accusation. I'm glad you have spoken it aloud.
You don't need to defend yourself or prove yourself in any way. We know that you're the kind of host others can only aspire to be.
@J-Renato0 Safety instructions given by flight attendants is not at all a reasonable analogy to Airbnb thinking hosts need to be treated like incompetent babies who can't remember they have a guest checking in and bombarding hosts with endless reminders.
And do the flight attendents give their safety spiel 5 times during a flight?
Lamentably I see you kudoed a post where a person insulted me. You let me down. However I still like you considering we have always had civil and respectful conversation in this community.
I do not care receiving reminder about guest´s checkin. I have lots of things to do and I thanks Airbnb for the reminders. Although I never forget a guest checkin arrangement, It does not bother me to get those messages.
As for the comparison with flight safety instructions, if one wants to take it literally, it is possible.
Lets consider 2 cases scenarios:
1- In times of pandemic, it is (or it was) necessary to reminder all the safety measures before each check in. So it makes sense the comparison.
2- Lets consider a worst case scenario during normal times.
Lets suppose that a guest is due to arrive at 10 pm during the winter.
Lets suppose Airbnb did not send a reminder to the host and the host forgot the checkin arrangement.
The guests arrives on time 10pm, in the middle of a snowstorm. The guest get off the car and walk about 20 meters to rang the door bell.
The host does not come to let the guest in. The forgot completely about the checkin.
The snow storm gets worse. The guest can not return to the car. He/She can not see where is his/her car except for the snowstorm.
The guest is getting cold, freezing and his life is in danger. The guest can not phone the host because the cell phone is in the car.
Well, you can see that anyone that is very responsible and consider even the worst case scenarios can understand that reminders can be important, and the comparison may makes sense.
You wrote the following about me: "......
Again, with all due respect, I think you are being somewhat impolite and demonstranting an excessive irritation.
It think that there is a difference between a constructive and frank suggestion and an agressive and impolite approach to some matter.
My honest suggestion ! Relax !....." [sic]
Seems you can dish out the aggression but you can't take it when it's flung back at you.
My advice? Get a sense of humor. No one is complaining about emergencies. We're tired of hosting 101 reminders and the constant upselling of services we don't want. But if you love them, I'll forward mine to you and your phone can ding at all hours to your delight!
As for@Sarah977 , you are right - she is amazing. You could learn a lot from her.
English is a very comprehensive language.
When I say relax I mean: Calm down. Do not trouble or seek problems where they do not exist.
If you do not like reminders, ignore the reminders! There are lots of means to ignore them.
@J-Renato0 No it doesn't make sense to send those reminders. If a host is taking pandemic cleaning procedures seriously, why would they have to be reminded of them everytime they had a booking? Does Airbnb think hosts are stupid? That they'll "forget" to clean properly?
Why would an experienced host forget their check-in time arrangements with a guest?
Your examples make no sense to me. Good hosts don't need reminders to do their job properly.
If you don't mind all those reminders or find them useful, that's your business. No one is dictating that you should be disturbed by them.
By the same token, it is also not okay to tell another poster she is wrong because she objects to them.
Yes, one can say whatever they want! They can believe in flying saucer and conspiracy theories.
Anyway, if to say that one are very agressive and impolite, certainly one will have a problem.
"A closed mouth catches no flies".
Moreover in this community we have the right to disagree, mainly when someone thinks she is talking in the name of all "superhosts" .
I'm with you, @Christine615 . I'm good at turning things off, and I can't get those messages to stop either. Mine come in mostly between 1 am and 3 am my time. They are most unwelcome.
I have turned off all my reminder notifications, but they still come at 6-7 am!
😥I have tried texting stop to 247262 as advised by the help centre. I keep my phone close for emergency calls from guests overnight.
Air bnb say it's a technical error. If anyone else has found a way to make this stop I would really appreciate it.
@Catherine1093 How irritating this is. There may be a setting on your phone that will block all calls and texts except for whatever default numbers you program in. If so, you could enter the current guest's phone numbers as the calls you'll accept, along with family numbers in case of emergencies, use that blocking function when you go to bed, and then turn it off when you wake up.