I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I was reviewing my calendar to check on my six month's out settings. I discovered that my listing had been suspended!
There was NO CONTACT from Airbnb and NO information at all! How could I be a Super Host with many compliments one minute and then have my listing suspended the next?
The last renter had brought an extra guest, against my rules and above the maximum number listed on the Airbnb website. I asked her to pay the extra guest fee. Did she complain???
No one in the host support center, including the support people's supervisor, can access my account now because it's locked. No one will chat with me, no one will call me.
One topic in the help center says that my current reservations will still happen, but another help topic says that all future reservations will be cancelled. I have a new reservation two days from now. Do I get the cabin ready for them? Are they being told that they may not come and their money will be refunded??
I have always praised Airbnb for the positive vibes, especially when compared to their competitor. I have put lots of extra love and energy into each guest's stay.
And now this..........
Colleen253, thank you so much! At least it's a little comforting.
So they won't even tell me if my next guest will be cancelled or not?
@Sue1797 Unfortunately this happens a lot. This forum is filled with stories just like yours, just do a search for 'listing suspended'. It's mind boggling.
Yes, it's likely a guest complained to Airbnb about something - could very well be the guest you mention. They then suspend your listing while they 'investigate', except that the investigation never seems to involve the host in question. Then after a few days to a few weeks, your listing is magically reinstated. You'll never find out what's going on, or why....Hopefully you have your upcoming guest contact info.
Colleen253, thank you so much! At least it's a little comforting.
So they won't even tell me if my next guest will be cancelled or not?
@Sue1797 They may, they may not. Usually the host gets no information. Many hosts have found out about upcoming cancellations from the guest! Frustrating. So sorry you're dealing with this.
I don’t believe this is good business practice. I am going through it as well and it’s out of nowhere. It leaves the hosts guessing on what to do next and effects our metal health. Lively hoods in the meantime. I am disappointed in the support system when it comes to this situation. Everything else is great. I just hate surprises and being in the dark.
@Sue1797 @Colleen253 I don't get what's going on. There have been so many posts here about listings getting suspended, it's like a pandemic- it seems to happen on a daily basis, just because some bad guest who broke rules makes a complaint. It seems the outsourced, know-nothing CS reps are now just given free rein to destroy long-time hosts' business with no oversight?
It sure seems like Airbnb is trying to encourage bad guests and get rid of good hosts. It's totally outrageous.
@Sue1797 Yes, I've seen this same post so many times. The guest breaks the rules and the host gets shut down. I hope the reinstate your listing.
Hi Sue,
The very same thing has happened to me this week! I can relate to how your feeling as I feel absolutely heartbroken, we put so much time and effort into our Airbnb and it's deeply sad that this can happen.
Fingers crossed that we will both be reinstated ASAP, I just feel so sad that I cannot message my future guests as customer service is my main priority!
I hope to hear that you get reinstated soon.
Hopefully you have been reinstated by now. Fortunately I have been reinstated after a lot of work.
I was FINALLY contacted by Airbnb. They wouldn't give me any details at all because they were waiting for the renter who reported my listing to answer some questions. She took a long time to answer so I was kept in the dark until she decided to answer.
Of course, they wouldn't tell me who reported my listing, but they started asking me about security cameras so I have a very good idea who got my listing suspended.
They asked me lots of questions about where my security cameras are, if I had any surveillance equipment inside my home, etc. I provided them with photos of the security camera mounted way high up on a tree facing the AWAY from the house, pointing toward the street. I also provided them with a screen shot of my phone, which is how I monitor my security cameras, showing that they were off on the days the renter was at our home.
Hi @Sue1797 , I'm new in this community center and had all my listings suspended without any notification as well. Could you kindly pls advise me what must I do to get my listings active again? Airbnb banned me since 1st October, and silly me just realized and found it out on 30th Oct. I had live chat them for 4 days (without clear answer and everytime I opened an issue, it will be merged with my 1st chat/issue and never a solution and answer) and called the support who just ask me to wait the higher up to answer.
i don't think i have a problem with my previous guests, no one directly complained to me, and reviewed me good rating.
Pls, if you have time to read my message, kindly advise me.
This exact same thing just happened to us and in our case we are completely baffled b/c we have no idea why b/c all our guests have been happy. Airbnb told us it was b/c of our "affiliation with a person or group," a completely asinine response that only airbnb would give. Amazing how little they care for their most loyal clients. Unbelievable
Did you ever get your acct reinstated? I am going through the same thing currently, also!! Same exact email as you
Any information would help, im also a super host now for 4 years 4.9 and 5 stars on both listings. Today I went in to view my calendar and find out im suspended!! Called Airbnb twice and im just finding out my neighbor said there was a party!! Ok 4 people by a fire is a party. I'm now waiting to hear back from Airbnb to find out whats going on. Any suggestions on what I can do is greatly appreciated. It's a very stressful day as im blocked with booking until the middle of September.
I too have fell victim to this AirBNB team that just suspend accounts without any due diligence; guilty until proven innocent and then the staff member goes away on their weekend moments after suspending me.
A guest we took to the resolution centre and AirBNB paid out on because the guest caused damage and had additional guests they didn't pay for, then were allowed to falsely accuse us that we had illegal cameras; though our listing clearly shows that we have cameras, and we email the guest twice before checkin reminding them about the cameras;
I am a new host and I didn’t have anyone stay at my place as of yet. I had my ID verified back in June and 2 weeks ago I received an email from Airbnb stating that they are in the process of verifying my ID. Customer service hasn’t helped a bit. My calendar is fully blocked/ suspended. Did anyone have this issue before?