I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I was reviewing my calendar to check on my six month's out settings. I discovered that my listing had been suspended!
There was NO CONTACT from Airbnb and NO information at all! How could I be a Super Host with many compliments one minute and then have my listing suspended the next?
The last renter had brought an extra guest, against my rules and above the maximum number listed on the Airbnb website. I asked her to pay the extra guest fee. Did she complain???
No one in the host support center, including the support people's supervisor, can access my account now because it's locked. No one will chat with me, no one will call me.
One topic in the help center says that my current reservations will still happen, but another help topic says that all future reservations will be cancelled. I have a new reservation two days from now. Do I get the cabin ready for them? Are they being told that they may not come and their money will be refunded??
I have always praised Airbnb for the positive vibes, especially when compared to their competitor. I have put lots of extra love and energy into each guest's stay.
And now this..........
Colleen253, thank you so much! At least it's a little comforting.
So they won't even tell me if my next guest will be cancelled or not?
I have 6 listings and all were suspended yesterday. No notice was provided to me. The first I knew was when 2 guests called me as they were told to move out “immediately”.
I put all my time and energy in to my listings which are either my properties or friends. I go the extra mile to ensure guests are comfortable and happy - I love it. It actually broke my heart having this happen - especially to see them want to get 2 of the 4 guests out immediately. If I have made a mistake or doing something wrong then ban me for life (or whatever) but let me know why !!
The frustration is that Airbnb will not return my calls. The call centre will not put you through to anyone or provide any information.
Airbnb refunded the guests deducting the nights used. However as you know the $$ don’t appear immediately - one guest had no spare cash and was going to be out on the street .
Oddly my other 2 current guests at different listings have not be effected.
one lesson learnt; we get told this time and time again: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” there are many other booking platforms and you can list with them all.
@Emiel1 my account may be active but my calendar is blocked for reservations until infinity. I think that qualifies as suspended.
Oh and it is Day 4 without the so called "email within 48 hours".
So on Day 5 of being suspended I finally was given the opportunity to provide "my side of the story". At this point I was still unaware of what exactly the complaint was.
I basically rehashed the entire drama that ensued with the last guest. Starting with her complaining about street noise even though it is disclosed in my listing. She complained for 2 days via whatsapp (never on airbnb) even though all my responses were on airbnb's platform. Then when I realized how annoying she was going to be, I told her to just cancel her 11-day reservation and I would refund half (her policy was Firm) or change her reserviation to 5-nights. She was adamant that she couldnt bear the noise and the 50% was not acceptable. Then to get me to change my mind, she informed me that she was an instagram influencer (with 200 followers) and that she couldnt work or film from my unit with the noise. First, my unit is not listed as anything remote work friendly, on purpose. Second, I did not provide authorized for my unit to be filmed or used for commercial purposes. I didnt get a reply after reminding her of that (on the airbnb platform). The next day, I told her that I was on my way to the condo (on airbnb). When I got there, I rang 3 times, no answer. Then I saw she was online so I whatsapp'd her and stated that I was at the condo now. She jumped offline. I confirmed with the guard that they (2 people) were in the condo. I knocked on the door again, no answer. I unlocked the door and called her name from the hallway.
I guess at this point the fact that I could unlock the door is what prompted a safety complaint. I told her I sent messages and she hadn't responded so I want to make sure the condo was okay and I need her decision on what she wanted to do. She was so concerned with her safety that she send message that night that she need another day to decide. I said no, the 50% was good until midnight. After that, she reduced her reservation to the 5-nights. She was still so concerned about her safety that she stayed 2 more nights.
I told airbnb, perhaps next time I should just bring the police to remove the guests since there is no way to handle these situations with an adult conversation and no way for hosts to cancel reservations when guests refuse to respond/acknowledge, without being penalized.
My account is now active. So much negative energy was wasted on this.
That is so discouraging, and although it worked out eventually, I can imagine the anguish you suffered.
It is extremely disturbing that a guest can get a listing suspended instantly with a lie but a host is not allowed to defend herself for several days.
I believe that if a guest refuses to respond to messages, telephone calls, and a knock on the door, you had not only the right, but the obligation, to enter the condo.
Your primary concern was, of course, the guest’s safety. She might have been ill, dead, or being held against her will by kidnappers.
Bringing the police for a “welfare check” might have been an option if they were willing to cooperate, but then I suppose the guest would have lied to them too.
I’m glad you got rid of her and I hope no one ever rents to her again.
My property has had zero guests for 4 months due to the NSW COVID lockdown. Now that restrictions are lifting, people are going mad booking getaways and I have had no bookings which is odd because I am a superhost with all 5 star ratings and we book out quickly. I logged on to my account, clicked on the calander and it says SUSPENDED. Three days, countless phone calls, emails and on line chats and I continue to be told that it's with the trust team and someone will be in touch. WTF?? After 4 months with no income....I have NO IDEA why this has happened. The odd thing is in between all this, I did get an email from Air BnB congratulating me for getting superhost status again. I am appalled. Disappointed and pretty **bleep** angry. 3 days and still nothing.... obviously it was SUSPENDED for a while before I even realised too, hence no bookings. Wow. Just wow.
hello @Lyndall4
Did you have a series of Guests Cancelling their bookings when NSW went into Lockdown?
Just wondering if that is what has triggered the so called 'Red Flag' alert bots in ABB system .
Have others also had this issue when lockdowns out of our own doings have been imposed on us and both Hosts and/ or Guests have cancelled for reasons beyond our control?
Has your issue been resolved @Lyndall4 ?
If so how was it resolved?
@Stephanie1933was your calendar issue in part bc of this same issue?
Thanks from over the oceans in the ongoing Lockdown city of Auckland where we now have moved to Red Traffic light systems and people are been divided in a two tier Society bc of ongoing failures to ensure they are familiar with fundamental Rights enshrined in Laws, and Status Quo.
@Helen427 thanks for your thoughts... I wonder if it had something to do with the cancellations. They got it sorted eventually...
How are you holding up in Auckland?
@Cheryl---Cheri0 good to see your listing is back. I do wish Airbnb would investigate first rather than assume guilt and suspend people's listings. There must be very few instances where someone's safety is truly at risk.
My account has been suspended with 0 explanation other than to remove a certain co-host. I am a super host with perfect conversion and response rates and 100% 5 Star reviews!! I have Complied to airbnbs request and yet my account is still suspended!! I have Reached out numerous times via email and phone and none can provide any guidance, information, contact numbers - nothing!! No one has any answers or even responses!!! This is costing me so much money and creating unnecessary headaches for my homeowners! I’ve never had any or broken with airbnb! I just want someone to acknowledge my attempts and reach out and resolve this!!
Omg I am the same! Both listings suspended and no idea why and no idea how long for. No one getting back to me either even though I’m trying to call/email everyday? It’s appaling! I’m on day 5 with still no idea why!
Hey Rebecca, this happened to me on Saturday. Don’t know what is going on
Omg it’s terrible isn’t it? Years and years of guest dedication and literally overnight Airbnb have dropped me without any reasoning or any information. I’ve no idea why or for how long and no one is returning any calls or emails…
How long have you been like this? I saw that you still have listings In your account
@Isaias22 Listing names still appear on a host's profile page when the listing is suspended, but they are not viewable. You see how no photo appears on those thumbnails, it's just grey?
They only disappear completely if a listing is entirely deleted.
guest wanted to get out of this booking they wanted to cancel as they found an yearly lease, he like to cancel it for full refund. However the cancellation policy state no refund he is mad and complain about safety of our home, as my technician went to there appartment to give them fire extinguisher and firstaid kit and telephone set . They complained 3 people showed up un announced .but they formally ring the bell rhen husband called me immideatly and approved them to carry out repairs .next day he complaind airbnb that 3 straingers showed up.
Now my 10 LISTING account is suspended for 48 hours. Airbnb did not give explanation or than “just wait for contact”. Did I do something worng here?