What hosts are saying

    Airbnb never listened host. They don't care host rights. They refund guest even the guest does not follow any house rules. This way, they support violent guest to be more violent in future. Very disappointing. Latest reply by Emiel1
    The new design on the Airbnb's website is in no way clear. I always have to look for the dashboard for a long time!It was much clearer before. Why do change a good design so often? Latest reply by Emiel1
    In my calendar I make the dates of September 2020 available until the end of October, after half an hour it blocks me, this has been happening to me for three weeks, for about ten days, in the help center they told me that a specialist is studying the cas... Latest reply by Emiel1
    A guest wants to rent my place long term (5 months) but has no reviews. I asked for references, she tried to send me the contact information for her current landlord, but AirBnB deletes all contact info from messages.What can be done in this situation? An... Latest reply by Emiel1
    Hello, We have a house 6 km from Uzes we'd like to rent when we're not around, but we need someone to do the cleaning and change overs. If you can help me, please let me know. We're in St Hippolyte de Montaigu, and would be happy to meet you asap. Franc...
    Hello, I see some experience pages with a video. Though, I find no ressource to know how to upload it (obviously it is only possible to upload photos from the experience back office page) nor the requirements (content, size, format...). Has anyone a clue ...