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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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Good evening ! The guest yesterday requested a changes in the booking, a request to postpone the booking date, I made concessions to the guest and confirmed the changes! The guest canceled the reservation today without penalty. It turns out that the guest deceived me, knowing that when he will cancel the reservation before the day, he will not receive a refund, he went to the trick and deceived the owner by requesting a change in the booking date for a whole month so that when canceling, he will receive the full cancellation amount!
I think this is wrong, the owner can be deceived in any booking by moving the booking date! It turns out that the cancellation policy for guests has a chance to cheat the host and the Airbnb platform. Most likely, I would go to a meeting with a guest and return the money, as I have done more than once.
But the fact that there is such a possibility of deception depressing me!
In similar cases, when guests ask to change the booking in the dates of arrival, I will already be guided by this case, and I simply will not make concessions to the guest, the precedent created and the existence of this loophole through deception of the host casts doubt on the cancellation policy.
It seems to me that a separate case should be brought up by the Airbnb team as a potentially dangerous loophole for hosts when canceling a reservation. And the cancellation rules should be expanded.
If the guest requests and the host confirms the transfer of the reservation a day before the arrival for a month, and when canceling the reservation, he cannot be guided by the cancellation rules without the consent of the host, if the guest wishes to cancel the reservation, he must pay penalties in any case!
Alas it's a fairly well known dodge used by guests to get out of jail.
Now you know.
Airbnb already know of this, so it can also be filed in the hosts thrown under the bus hall of fame.
I hope Airbnb is doing something about this?
@Alexandros87 Don't hold your breath. Airbnb is an extremely guest-centric platform 😞
Probably you are right , but in next time all guests that will want make cancellations or changes for reservation I will be not so kind us before . I know that’s wrong , not all guests like this guy today that cheated me . It’s not my fault, it’s problem Airbnb team they left this sh***t happens , they don’t do nothing about this , so i will be bad guy too . I tired do all for guests , perfect clean at house,be kind and nice , pay back money for canceling of reservation, and receive back bad reviews! i was too kind!
Do anything knows ,what think about this Airbnb team ?
@Ute42 Yes, every booking is tied to the original date of booking, no matter how often they change or postpone it and then cancel it. I know this has not changed because I have three bookings coming up that were rescheduled from last year, and they all have their original booking dates attached.
If Customer Service gave them a full refund, @Alexandros87 , you need to fight it. When I've had guests do what your guest did, I had to put my foot down with Customer Service over the course of several emails to prevent them from giving the guest the 50% balance.
Go to the canceled booking in your system and look at the booking date to see if it had been changed. It should be the original booking date.
It’s shows a new date of reservation 5-6 of March , after I accepted the request of my guests yesterday , the original was 13-14 of February .
@Ann72 In any case I think Airbnb team will say me that it’s was legally , because I accepted the changes in reservations . How I will prove them that he cheated me ?
It keeps track of original date of booking, but this scam is still more than possible! I have had it happen recently.
It may well be that You have the original booking date under Your postponed reservations, but maybe that doesn't matter.
The way Alxandros87 told his story was: The booking got postponed yesterday and the guest cancelled said booking today. Obviously within the 48hrs grace period in which new bookings can be cancelled for free ???
@Alexandros87 , what does Your dashboard show? Do You know how to post a screenshot and can You do that?
Did You see @Alexandros87 's screenshot? The booking date is brand new. The booking date changed with the change of the old existing reservation !!!