
In another thread a rather sad story has been developing over the past couple of days. This is a long story, I'm cutting it down as good as I can.
Monika in Chile is renting 3 places through airbnb in Chile but she doesn't get paid by airbnb. She started reporting about her problem on sept. 19, adressing @Catherine-Powell , to no avail.
Due to COVID she had to close her places on march 20 and reopened mid of august. Monika did get paid from airbnb untill the end of August, but ever since no payment. Monika says she and her husband have lost their jobs due to COVID, couldn't rent the flats and now she's not reveiving money for the completed stays.
Monika has listet a breakdown of outstanding payments for 19 stays, totalling apprx 2400 USD.
Monika has been calling and writing with airbnb every day but nothing. Unfortenately Monika's financial situation has gotten very difficult so in september she had to ask friends to lend her money to pay her bills. „We have two little kids - we can not sleep at night, worried about how to pay bills and buy food when you keep all payouts for 5 weeks“.
Meanwhile as it looks Monika has maxed out all financial resources:
„Yesterday we were considering for me to go back to London (Monika lived there for 17 years) to find any job as here will be impossible now. We used the credit card limit and now we have nothing left. …. My 9-year-old girl heard this conversation and cried asking me not to go to London and leave them.
It breaks my heart. Once while talking to airbnb , my girl took the phone and asked them, please pay my mum money“
„Electricity bills, communal charges bills, internet bills etc etc . why, what we have done, please Airbnb pay us all money, we have nothing now, please“
2 days ago Monika received 72,000 CLS = apprx. 90 USD from airbnb. „At least I could buy some food today“ Monika wrote. But the remaining 2400 USD+ remain unpayed.
As I said this is a pretty long story, for details pls start reading here:
and continue to read there:
The conversation starts on page 10 and continous to page 11.
This is Monika's airbnb profile Picture: Monika , Domingo, Kyara and Maia

I've been getting real emotional over this story. Obviousely I cannot contribute anything to all these payment details, but I have decided to send 100 Euros = 120 USD to Monika in Chile so she can buy more food for her family. In order to do so, today I have set up a Western Union account for international cash payments.
What I'd like to find out is: