I’m looking to identify where the taxes and fees are paid (w...
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I’m looking to identify where the taxes and fees are paid (what government agency) they are not listed on the tax form from ...
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When all of this started about a month ago, Brian Chesky (CEO of Airbnb) was feeling the heat. In an effort to get gig worker hosts and ongoing media coverage off his back he quickly released a statement indicating that the Host Relief Act would provide 250M in relief grants to hosts that qualified.
I think it was something up to $5000 each. Has anyone seen a dime?
I am here to tell you now, I am an eligible host. Not a single cancellation. 100% occupancy rate. Super host and in a popular location as well.
I've made a lot of money off Airbnb and I've made them a lot of money as well.
Called the first time to apply for application for grant, after asking the Airbnb representative a series of reasonable questions (when can we expect it? how much will each person get, etc), not only did she have no idea what I was talking about but she also got beligerant and hung up on me.
Called back. 2nd rep had to do some lengthy research but did in fact find the grant information. Sadly, she nor I realized IT WAS COMING OUT OF THE EMPLOYEES POCKETS ACCORDING TO THE GRANT STATEMENT!
She kept her composure, ensured that I am in fact eligible and would be receiving an application in days to come.
It's been two more weeks and nothing.
My dudes. This is a joke. We have been duped. Homeaway is already calling me and trying to sway my business over to them because they know that Airbnb has not protected us as hosts, this needs to be dealt with.
Some of us have lost THOUSANDS in a matter of weeks with absolutely no liability to Airbnb itself it is disgraceful and I'd like to hear what some of the rest of you have to say about it because I'm disgusted.
@Brooke229 I've read everything I can about ABB CoVID programs and even though I qualify for 25% from the $250M on recent cancellations, I don't believe I will see any of it (from a comment I heard on CEO second video about determining who needs it most, to having to finalize a guest cancellation when they received msg "partial refund"... I probably forfeited my qualification for Doing what I thought was right & good guest relationships) Needless, I choose not to waste my energy fighting with them about what amounts to pennys compared to what I'm loosing in bookings. Instead I'm looking to my local government & state programs for small business assist.
This part is not really COVID related, but I would like to address your comment about being contacted by HomeAway/VRBO. I hope this information helps anyone reading and considering making changes in your hosting plans. I use both VRBO & ABB. Yes, VRBO charges a fee (in addition to the booking fee like ABB) on each reservation OR you can do an annual subscription for just under $500. I use the subscription, much more beneficial for me. My total number of nights booked (& income) are about just about 50/50 (ABB/VRBO). I keep nightly rates and policies (as ABB allows) exactly the same. You can get the exact same deal for my condo on either site (although since they list them differently it can be confusing to a guest that shops both sites and asks). I find VRBO has more faith in its hosts allowing us to make critical decision best for our location and situation. ABB tends to give you less flexibility. Can't list them all, but choice of cancellation policy was the number one reason I did not sign up for ABB for quite some time after having my VRBO account. I also find VRBO more user friendly, both in use of site, help information and customer service chat features. So far their customer service has been excellent and knowledgeable (the few times I've needed it) I use VRBO as my primary account, mirroring ABB to VRBO rates and settings. You can sync your VRBO calendar to ABB to help you avoid a double booking (suppose to be able to do other way around, but found this to cause double booking conflicts...so I just use the one way and block my VRBO calendar for ABB bookings). I am impressed by their Marketing tools and Guest tools you can use to assist. There is more I can say, but if your considering switching or using both platforms like I do, my comment would be "seriously consider it." And right now when your calendars (unfortunately) aren't very active is a good time to learn without make a double booking mistake. Good Luck to all my fellow hosts, travelers and future guests. I wish you all well.
Why Airbnb is starting to suck… Months before the pandemic, I am having problems getting paid on time to payoneer. We all know payoneer payments are instant, and I have on 6 or more occasions had a payment that in the transactions section says “pending be paid January 27th” and yet the date is the 29th. When I ask about it on twitter (because it the only way they even respond) I’m told a specialist needs to look at it , and one week late I am paid, with no explanation and sometimes even a complete denial there ever even was problem to begin with. Something like “we sent it, payments can take time blah blah blah” complete BS. Lets forget about the late payments even before the pandemic and fast forward to perhaps the worst management of a crisis ever in the history of management. Airbnb’s management of the COVID19 crisis. There is 3 terms I think we need to define before we go forward.
1. Disposable income. This is money that you are expecting and can spend or lose and not cause extreme harm to your family or business. This describes 95% of the money spent on travel and holiday. Travelers money is disposable income unless its business travel.
2. Up front investment. The money we as Airbnb hosts had to spend to get the accommodation ready for the travelers with disposable income. Paying workers, towels, cleaning, everything it costs to run a place when expecting travelers.
3. Revenue. The money we need to feed our families and pay our workers so they can feed there families. 4. Contract. What we had between Airbnb, the travelers with disposable income and the hosts. The contract which was violated by Airbnb. Why in the hell would Airbnb choose to refund money, against our contracts to the party with disposable income, and screw the hosts who need the revenue for feeding families and employees? Which party could afford the hit more? What they should have done is give us our 50% like they promised us, returned 50% to the travelers, and we could have offered the traveler the other 50% in a coupon for future use at OUR hotel. (Not money in Airbnb’s pocket by Airbnb giving the coupon and keeping the funds) everyone is happy, nobody loses any money that wasn’t gonna be spent anyways, travelers have to reschedule which they would have to do anyway.
And to make that worse, they offer us pennies on the dollar, 12.5% , and make a big deal about that being 250 million dollars. Well ya its a lot of money, but you know whats more? The amount you cost us hosts, which is 1 billion dollars , 4 times what you gave back to us. And just to stick it to us one more time, you announce that you are gonna give it to us then wait a month to do so… And and last but not least FU to your host, or at least to me, toady my payment of 12.5% was scheduled, and guess what? Please see my first complaint about Airbnb, it was not sent today, the day it says its scheduled and is not still pending and I guess gonna be late like all the rest of your payments.
Hi Shaun in Ecuador. I feel for you!!!.....and all the hosts that have above and beyond for this company!!!
I did want to try to help you in one way... I use PayPal and I've never had a single problem getting paid...so I just wanted to suggest you switch to that company because they have become super fabulous in the past many years....especially advantageous if you register a business with them as I always have....my hosting business with my Retreat in California. So you might try that asap. They offer amazing things for their 'business clients.'
Secondly....I have lost faith in Airbnb as well. I guess I would have to say my faith and trust in the owners is just gone now. There is no humanness there anymore...nothing. They grew far too big....greed is a killer....and so the company is now robotic. As one of the hosts that posted on here a day or two ago, said: "Hosts are expendable." And I would say that is just exactly what Airbnb believes. In other words...we can leave and they couldn't care less. It's been a huge shock to me to become aware of this after hosting with this company since it's beginning days....when it was super nice, when it was considerate, when it was kind....when it actually cared about all of its hosts. It no longer does care. That's the first hard truth to realize...and no matter we say on this blog...or how many letters and emails we write...again, they couldn't care less. "Going Public" is the only thing that seems to matter to them. It's definitely really a bummer but that's who they are. The problem is...it took a historic worldwide pandemic to find out what they are made of. Now we know.
Hiya @Brooke229 et al,
Thanks for starting this discussion; there's lots of questions here so I'd like to address a few off the bat that speak to the process and the current delay in processing:
I am not clear whether I'm eligible. How do I find out whether I am?
You can find the eligibility criteria here, however, we're prioritizing invitations by inviting tenured Superhosts who are most in financial need first. This means not all eligible hosts may necessarily be invited. However, you will know by May 15th whether you've received an invitation or not.
I am eligible, but did not get an invite. Why is that?
The invitation process works by inviting our most long-standing Superhosts in financial need (looking at their earnings decline from this year to last) first. Invited hosts will have a 7 day window to apply. We are sending invites each week from now until May 15th.
Additionally, each wave of invitations reaches about 5,000 hosts. By sending invitations in small batches, we're able to ensure we respond to everyone who submits an application within 2 weeks. We don't know the exact number of hosts we'll be able to invite; the more invited hosts who apply, the more quickly we'll spend the $17 million relief fund. We estimate we'll invite about 15,000 hosts to submit applications.
I hope that clarifies some of your concerns but please do let me know if you have any further questions,
Right ok.
Superhost: Check
Zero cancellations: Check
No more than 2 listings: Check
Long standing host: Check
This is just more blanket statements of everyday Airbnb telling us to wait until tomorrow and tomorrow never comes
Hey @Brooke229,
Thanks for your comment here. I know you and many other hosts are understandably eager to hear about the Superhost Relief Fund.
As you can imagine the volume is high and so the dedicated team working on this are in full flow to get invites out and the applications sorted as fast as possible. All invites are planned to go out by May 15th, as @Stephanie mentioned here, which I know sounds like a "wait until tomorrow", however this is the latest date for all the invites so at least you have an idea of the timeline.
We will continue to share any updates and keep an eye on the dedicated COVID Updates board for recent news on the Superhost Relief Fund and other news.
I wish you all the best and I hope everything sorts itself out. Stay safe.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
I have been told I was going to see an email every week for the last six weeks. I do not anticipate that one or two more weeks will produce different results. You guys are just biding your time with hosts before investors find out.
I got a COVID-19 payment from AirBnB today. It was 25% of the booking amount that I should have received but did not because of the extenuating circumstance clause instituted by airbnb. Proof it is rolling out and they are trying.
That's not the same. The grant programs and the reimbursement programs are two different things.
We contacted AirBnb and they said we would be hearing from them about the grant. I did get $53. Of a 25% cancellation. That was a far cry from the amount of cancellations that they allowed from me .I sure hope to hear from AirBnb. Right now it looks like we will have a hard time keeping our home without AirBnb business.
Oh Kate120....I am truly sorry!! You are NOT ALONE!! I like so many others in this terrible time are worried we might lose our homes. You are not alone. Many, many hosts who gave our hearts and soul to Airbnb for years ( I am one of them...) ....are in the same boat you are...and suddenly ...POOF!....we are all left out during the most historic event of our lives. No one alive today has been through the devastation of a pandemic....so it is very serious and I think the difficult pill to swallow is knowing how many millions ( billions) of dollars Airbnb pulls in every year from all of its hosts opening their properties and genuinely caring, offering exceptional places for vacations and romantic getaways....and now of course we are all feeling completely expendable. If the tables were reversed, perhaps those that hold the financial ability to help, would feel the pain so many of its hosts are feeling. I truly hope and pray for you to find the financial help you need. I don't think we are going to see it from Airbnb, which is heartbreaking, I know. But, there it is. Hang in there!!...the people that are genuinely caring and have been reaching out in so many ways helping so many around the country and the world in the terrible crisis are the very people that will be rewarded in huge ways....Life is all about paying it back. I believe that. Those that don't, well...never will understand how good it feels to give and to help. There are some things that are just far more important than money...but sadly so many don't understand that philosophy and never will. Hugs hugs from our place to yours.
This is probably the best and most accurate response on here. Here we sit May 12. I'm still fully eligible. I still have received no word from Airbnb nor has anyone I have encountered.
I never received my refund 25%. I have text chatted I’d say all that works in Airbnb and I just keep getting attached to a bot, then nothing. We were promised these by May 1st. I was told now today that I should have got it and my case will be prioritized but at the same time they said that it will be about June 1st. I think it is terrible that Airbnb has treated their hosts like this seeing that the guests that cancelled their stays were refunded fully within 2 days!!!
I'm trying to figure out what Y'all are talking about here! Did it ever get resolved? I host in Canada