Airbnb payout methods getting declined

Airbnb payout methods getting declined

Hello, is anyone experiencing issues with their payout method? Our payout is not going through because our current method keeps getting rejected. It suggests trying to remove it and add another payout method.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Montana-Verde0


Most of the time, error happens when the Airbnb Profile Name doesn't exactly match the Bank Info Name, based on my experience.




1. Name on profile is for an individual but bank info is a joint account, different Bank account name and vice versa.

2. Incomplete Airbnb name compared to bank info name indicated.



1. Incorrect Billing address

2. Incorrect bank code or swift code

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Montana-Verde0, following on from Patricia's suggestions. I'd also like to recommend that you get in touch with Airbnb Support. You can contact them through through the Help Centre:



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