Critic my listing please

Critic my listing please

Hello, i'm new to AirBnB hosting and would like to ask for some feedback for the first listing i set up on this platform. please.

thank you in advance. Jason

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jason1704  Your place looks nice.

A few comments:


You have repeated word for word the same information in the introduction and "The Space" section right below it.

Use the first section to paint a general picture of the listing and the area, and the space section to describe the layout of the house.


Are those uncovered box springs on the beds? If so, that won't work- they will get dirty and stained. They need to be covered with something you can take off and wash.


I would get a couple of comfortable chairs for the living room, so there is a conversation area for the 4 guests you list for, rather than just the couch facing the TV with the love seat way over at the other end of the room. A coffee table is also needed. The area rug placement looks odd. I'd move it more to the center of the living room.


I find there are too many redunddant outdoor photos. I'd pare those down.





Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I'd look at rearranging the liivingroom furniture. Take three other people with you and change it all until its somewhere that works for a group. Pretend you rented it. Be aware that guests will move furniture around as suits them better, so to avoid floor constantly being scratched, make it the best set up from the beginning. Maybe dining and sofa will swap places,  maybe something else. And as sarah says, a coffee table.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jason1704 I would change your profile picture to a real picture.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The listing offers various weekly discounts, so it seems you have set custom prices on specific weeks.

Please be aware these discounts are upto 40%