Curious- who else is experiencing slow season

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Curious- who else is experiencing slow season

Hello All,

hope you are well.

this month has been terrible for us, anyone else? 
I still have people looking but no  much luck with actual bookings- have changed settings to make it easier to book (IB is on), updated the listing itself, spent time in the photos, etc. Anything you found helps this? 
given my location, saying it’s due to increased competition and also a bit due to brexit and season (it’s not really peak season in London) but also Christmas just passed and this is obviously a very expensive time for anyone. 
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

yadira 🙂

63 Replies 63
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Gordon0 

hope you are well and thanks for the reply! 
Firstly hope you enjoyed New York and happy very belated birthday!! 
You are correct, London is a strong market and this is obviously why restrictions were put into place as to protect the local STR/hotel industry. 
That’s amazing news for you- I am really happy for you! It makes me happy to see others thrive! Anything you did particularly differently which you think may have triggered this change?! 
thank you in advance! 
yadira 🙂


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Quite honestly @Yadira22 the STR restrictions were put in because of concerns by local governments and others about the impact STRs are having on the price and availability of the long term rental market and the impact this was having on ordinary families and workers in the Capital from those working in hospitality to key workers in our hospitals, schools, emergency services to those cleaning our streets and maintaining our parks.


They struggle to find somewhere affordable and decent to live anyway; STRs  just making things worse.


Yes the hotel lobby doesn't favour STRs but this was definitely not the main issue in London.


If I have time over the weekend I will have a look at your listings in terms of your conversion rate issue.


I have just received a booking today for March and had one earlier in the week for Feb, so it does feel as if things are picking up.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Thank you @Helen3 i really do appreciate it but honestly don’t want to put you off! Am getting reservations for the entire listing but nothing for the individual rooms in that listing- this concerns me. Two have been completely vacant since 3rd January- so odd! 


anyways- thank you and happy hosting 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. In my personal experience, February is the slowest time of the year here in London, but I am still getting enough bookings. Two of my rooms are fully booked this month and the other is empty for one week because I blocked it as I am away on those dates.


I don't think Brexit is a factor. I haven't noticed any decline in bookings since the whole fiasco starting happening, but I have had several guests mention they chose to come to London because it became more affordable after the referendum. 


Yes, there is a lot of competition in London so you have to offer something that keeps you ahead of the rest. Convenient location is key but also competitive pricing. I refuse to lower my prices but during slower periods, I'm not upping them either, as I might do in mid-Summer or around Christmas/New Year. However, my listings are probably under priced already (mainly to attract long-term guests, whom I prefer), which I am sure is a big factor in how popular they are.


Another thing is that you have to offer something different to the competition. I hope you don't take offence because your listings look lovely, super clean, modern and well maintained and you have great reviews, but most of my guests book because my place is a bit different or special. Not everyone is looking for that of course - some people want clean, modern, well maintained and nothing else - but there are enough people out there looking for something a bit different that it means I never worry about bookings anymore.


Sorry, I'm not trying to be smug as I also get nervous when things are starting to look a bit quiet, as I have a mortgage and bills to pay after all, but those nerves always turn out to be unfounded as the bookings do eventually come in, even if they are more last minute than usual.


Yes, this month, one of my rooms was looking quiet quite late in the day. The current guest indicated that she wanted to stay another month but faffed around because she thought no one else was going to book the room (I did warn her that this was unlikely). So, she missed out because all the dates she wanted have now been snapped up. 


So, not to ramble on anymore, I would suggest you maybe think about a USP. What can you offer that other listings in your area (and beyond) don't?


Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand


Good to see you surface here in CC, your absence was noted as has several others who have been instrumental in providing inspiration when I first joined CC.

 I hope all's well with you and the cats & you had a great Christmas.

All the best from over the yonder in New Zealand

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Helen427 and Happy New Year!


Yes, I've been absent the last few months as I took on a second job and was travelling a lot for work last year (17 trips!) so that, with the hosting, didn't leave time for much else. The cats are doing well but they don't like me travelling so much 😞


How are things with you?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Happy New Year to you too @Huma0 


Life is good thank you.


I am now moved into my new home and so am Airbnbing my house and have my flat on long term rental. Not sure whether you have seen it ?


17 trips away sounds lovely.  I am not surprised the cats missed you.


I am definitely going to try and come and stay with you one night when I am up in London and get inspired by your lovely decor. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Helen3  your place looks very welcoming. Hope your guests are treating it well!


Only one out of the 17 trips was a holiday and the rest were all work, so quite tiring and very little down time for sightseeing in most cases. Still, I enjoy travelling, so it was nice all the same. I'm not complaining! 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Huma0 

hope you are well and we have missed you in the Forum. Glad to know you are well and thanks for the reply. 

You are right- I do need a USP and the design could be more (love yours btw) but as mentioned these spaces aren’t mine, I simply manage them. So any changes in design as to be agreed and truth be told some guests are not great with taking care of our stuff. 

in one of our rooms we have two indents  form when a guest carelessly dropped and broke a glass mixer on our newly laid flooring! So... I get it but will look into this regardless! 

And please never apologise for expressing your opinion, as long it’s said through kindness I won’t take it heart. Heck- a lot of the times not even then (I have no illusions of myself or what I do 😉  and often agree if it’s relevant- lol)


happy hosting. 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Yadira22  yes, I certainly know what you mean RE damages. Unfortunately, I find guests regularly break or spoil stuff in my house. Luckily, so far it's mostly been small things, but a couple of times, it's been something I was quite attached to/can't easily replace and couple of times, it's been something more expensive.


I think you are right that if you are renting out a whole space rather than rooms in your own home, you have to be especially careful to choose things that are aesthetically pleasing but not too expensive. Of course, it doesn't always make a difference, but because I am around most of the time, perhaps guests are a little more careful with stuff than they would be otherwise.


Perhaps your USP could be something other than the design. The design itself looks very nice and we are probably aiming at different markets anyway (mine is long term, solo travellers).


Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Yadira22  I would personally advice you to increase your pricing and then provide a discount for weekly and monthly bookings.Avoid night stayers by setting a minimum stay of 2 or 3 nights in order to get longer stays thus maximizing your income.Let your competition take the 1 night bookings while you conquer the bookings that will bring you more.Focus on quality bookings rather than quantity.Good luck and happy hosting!!!

Hi @Oomesh-Kumarsingh0 

hope you are well and thanks- we go longer stays. Advertise single nights but average stay is about 4 nights. Thank you for the idea but not sure if it will actually help but thank you so much anyway! 

happy hosting 🙂

Level 10
Greenville, SC

@Oomesh-Kumarsingh0 How do longer stays maximize income?

It’s slow in Kansas City and I’m livid. Airbnb removed listings in Japan that weren’t registers Ut here they’re flooding the market with new unregistered listings. Even after an illegal Airbnb was the site of a party and a shooting.  

Now we’re seeing LLC’s opening them up and running them at half or a third what existing hosts have been charging. Apparently the new scheme is to run them at a loss to reduce tax liability on regular income. 

This is going to put a lot of us out of business.


i heard only 250 of us registered but Airbnb in our area is four times that. 

Airbnb should require proof of administrative approval or an active application to be listed.


Not sure how Airbnb makes money on luxury homes offered at $58 a night.



hope you are well and thank you for the reply. 
i am so sorry to hear this. 
it’s always one or two people (in this case many) that need to ruin it for some! 
i really do hope your business picks up- out of curiosity (hope you don’t mind me asking) are you seeing only lower conversion, less traffic or both? Thank you and hope you have a great February! 🙂