Wondering what other hosts are feeling in Bc about the new l...
Wondering what other hosts are feeling in Bc about the new legislation and having to register and pay $450 a year if you hav...
How much should I ask a guest to pay for a dented fridge?
That's a tough one, @Helen2696, and I'd be totally gutted. How on earth did it happen; opened against the cabinet knob?
Personally, I'd struggle to live with that and would want it repaired (or replaced) 'as new'.
Fabulous listing btw!
You must present verifiable estimates or invoices when you submit a request for damages to either the guest or Airbnb's Air Cover program. You can contact an appliance restoration shop for an estimate or quote, and look up appliance parts sites for the cost of a replacement door.
@Helen2696 That is a really unfortunate door wound, but on the other hand it's a purely cosmetic one in that it has no effect on the fridge's functionality. Personally, I wouldn't embark on an expensive repair or throw a perfectly usable fridge away over a dent, but I might look into some DIY options.
Damage claims for things that can be considered "wear and tear" are usually unsuccessful, so I wouldn't pursue a standalone claim for the dent. But if the culprit was the guest who most recently reviewed you, M_____a, it sounds from your review like several furnishings were damaged and House Rules were broken. If there's a running tally of repairs to claim for, you might as well get a quote and add it to the list. With that lousy guest, there's nothing left to lose from trying.
Hi Andrew, thanks for your response. I think I will just let this one go but it was probably from another guest. Curious…how did you know about my review of guest M—-? I thought that is private…
@Helen2696 Private? No, reviews are very public. Your Community Center profile links directly to your Airbnb user profile, where all the reviews you've received are there for the whole world to see. One can simply click on the reviewer's profile to see the reciprocal review. It often happens when people post questions here in the CC, that hosts look into the OP's listing and reviews for context - it's not meant as an invasion of privacy, and I'm sorry if you took it that way!