Hello how can I put my listing to 6 or 12 month. If any one...
Hello how can I put my listing to 6 or 12 month. If any one can help me to be hosting my place so when I'm out of town I don...
-----------------Updated June 2017--------------------
An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.
Some hosts wish to permanently delete one of their listing for several reasons which may include they sold the property, created it by mistake or they are just choosing not to rent it out any longer. If you wish to permanently remove a listing from your account, follow the instructions below.
Here is how you deactivate your listing permanently:
Log into Airbnb.com and click on "Host" and "Manage Listings".
Choose the listing you want to delete and then choose "Manage Listing and Calendar".
You can permanently deactivate your listing by going to "Basics" under the listing section of the left hand menu. The scroll down and find the red link that says "deactivate this listing".
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
1. Can one delete or deactivate "temporarily" a listing? or in the case of wanting to delete or deactivate a listing for a periodo of time the only option is to place the listing in "snooze" mode?
2. When you delete or deactivate a listing. Can you re-activate again, or one needs to re create the listing from scratch?
Hi @Eliana6,
I think what you would want to do is "unlist" the listing instead of deleting or deactivating it. Let's say you are doing renovations and you think they will take about six months. You can "unlist" the listing and then when it is ready to go again, you simply "relist" it the same way you inlisted it. If you were going away on holidays for two weeks, you would probably "snooze" your listing for the dates you are gone and the listing will unsnoze itself on the date you set. I think snooze is more like unlisting but you set dates and it does it automatically.
If you delete the listing, it is gone and you would need to start over from scratch. I hope this clears things up for you @Eliana6!
Click on the link below for help guides on "unlisting" and "snoozing" your listing.
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Hi @Dave and Deb: Wow that was awesome! You cleared my confusion among delete, deactivate, unlist, snooze...
Thank you so much. You are so generous with your knowledge and time. As a new host, I so appreciate your efforts to assist others.
I don't care what you call it. I want to DELETE a listing that I made by mistake. I don't want to deactivate it, I want to put it to death and can't!!
THIS LINK DOES NOT WORK. I tried it several times i do not have any upcoming reservation on this listing. So there is no clear sign why this link does not work.
Hi there,
Is it possible to de-activate a listing which was never completed. I started work on a couple listings that I never completed, and I hate seeing them hang around in my dashboard, but I don't know how to get rid of them!
When i go to the bottom of the "basics" page the only option I see is "Next" as if I have to complete the listing before then deactivating it!
Thanks for your help
@Daniel112 Yes, I believe you have to complete the listings, then "Unlist" them. Sounds nutty, I know!
Actually @Daniel112,
You can actually delete the listing without completing it using the mobile app. @Clare0
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Thank you so much @Dave-and-Deb0, finally managed to delete them via the mobile app. woohoo!
Daniel, I'm having the same issue as you and read advise about using my mobile device to delete an "unfinished" listing. Clicked on the unfishing listing but there was no option to delete. What am I missing? Help!
awesome!! I will try this - thankyou!
What if I have a not-yet-published listing? Under basisc there is no "delete permanetly" option and I am stuck getting confused every single time
Thank you for the guide. Except there is no section to deactivate a listing where you have directed everyone. Did Airbnb change it's site? Can someone pls. let me know how to deactivate a listing on Airbnb?