Extra Guest Fee: A Community Help Guide [UPDATE]

Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Extra Guest Fee: A Community Help Guide [UPDATE]

***NOTE: This Help Guide has been created using the new layout so if you have a different layout, please visit https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosts/Extra-Guest-Fee-A-Community-Help-Guide/m-p/53364#M2477


I often recommend hosts to include an extra guest fee in their listing.  I have a suite with its own entrance that accommodates 4 guests.  The base rate I set is for two guests and I charge $10 for any extra guests over the two.  There are two reasons I do this.  The first is that my rate is low enough to attract a couple or two single people but if more people wish to stay, I can make more money on my listing.  The second reason is I do not like the message that is sent if I do not have an extra guest fee.  What I mean by this is that if I choose to accommodate 4 guests and not charge an extra guest fee, the listing will show "extra people: no charge" (see image below).  Many guests then seem to think that "extra people: no charge" means they can bring as many people as they wish as they will not be charged.  Also, by having my listing setup this way, if someone books for two and then sneak in 2 more guests, it is easier to have Airbnb backup my claim for an extra guest charge.


***TIP***  If you wish to remove the "Extra people: No Charge", just go into your settings and set the extra guest count to your max occupancy number and then in the amount box, set this at $0.  This will remove the "Extra people: No Charge" and avoid confusion for people looking at your listing.






The following are directions on how to add an "extra guest fee".


Step 1: Click on "Host" and then "Manage Listings" and then choose the listing you wish to add the extra guest fee to.





Step 2: From the choices, choose "Pricing" and then go to the "Extra Charges" section and choose Edit.



Step 3: Go to the "Extra guests" box and then enter the amount per night per extra guest and then choose for each guest over a certain amount that you want to be charged this fee.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

27 Replies 27
Level 2
Munich, Germany

How does one get Airbnb to back up an extra guest charge if the guests denied it?  Sabrina reserved for 1 guet and brought 8.  I asked her to amend the guest number both before anrriving and after she got here.  She refused and instead tried to tell me it was unfair.  All I can say is it is a lot more cleaning and laundry for 8 than for one.   Now she is making up some bogus reason why I should be paying her money because someown in their group broke my window and says they got hurt.  I told them if someone is hurt in any way they should go to the ER.  Apparently it wasnt anything that merited a doctor's or ER visit.  I just dont know how to deal with people that manipulate the system to save a bit of money.  Thanks.  Kati


Hi @Kati16,


This is a tough situation and I am sorry you are having this happen to you.  I think the best way of having Airbnb back you on someone who sneaks in extra guests is by having proof of this.  On my listing I have exterior cameras but I am not sure if this is an option for you with your listings.  I would encourage you to explore a doorbell camera (Ring is one brand) which also records anytime there is motion.  You can set it up to alert you anytime some is entering your listing or rings the doorbell and you can watch the happenings live.  Just ensure that you have this noted in your listing which I do in the "Other things to note" section.  I just put in that "There are exterior cameras on this listing".


I hope this helps somewhat @Kati16


All the best!





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Hi Kati,

I believe if you know or find out during their stay you can revise the reservation to 8 guests and it will change your rate to them.  It's best to do it before as they have to "accept" the change.  There is no place to add a dog fee on AIRBNB, so that is how I do it when they notify me of a dog coming.    DeAnne

Hi Katie 

I had this same problem with a women who booked for one and was manipulating to bring more people for that price. I called Airbnb before they arrived and the reservation was cancelled with no fault. I would if you haven't contact Airbnb regarding your issue


I now always check the number of guest. If it's incorrect. I ask the guest to correct it. They are unfortunately trying to scam amount of people and manipulate price. Usually undesireables. 


Level 2
Torrington, CT

I see you updated this in June, but my homepage looks different.  Under pricing, all I can do is set a base price.  I have no options to set a cleaning fee or extra person charge.  Can anyone help?  I would like the listing to be for 3 people, with an extra charge for 1 more person but I have scoured my account and listing for hours.  I can't find any option to do this!

Go into Booking Settings>Pricing> and you'll see options for both extra guests and cleaning fees. I'm using the mobile app but I'm sure it's the same on desktop. 

Level 2
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Hi there, i wish to add cleaning fees to my listing. But may I know does it affect my payout? I mean, will the % of host service fees including the cleaning fees or any extra fees? 

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

@Sandra0, Host service fees are always calculated from the TOTAL sum you earn which incl. all extra costs.
Level 4
Columbus, OH

I chose to list one price with a maximum of 4 people because I don't want to monitor how many extra people are here. Why not change the listing to say $50 per person over 4?  Sort of a 'fine' if cought.

Level 2
Drome, Australia

Yes the delima of extra guests sneaking in and perents who belive that their children should say for free. I have been opperating for 18 months and luckly enough not had to confrunt the sneh 

Level 2
Drome, Australia

OK a lesson learnt on drafting in word rather than typing out on the platform and computer going into melt down.

The issue I have as a host is our business is run by OTA’s ( online travel agents ). My grief is with Airbnb not allowing an extra guest charge for children under 2 years. Most of the heavy cleaning, wear and tear comes from this age group. In our rules it states that we have an extra charge for infants and children. We also state this in our welcome email when guests book. The tension comes when I meet our guests at check in and ask for the extra guest charge for the 2 year old who is tap dancing on our glass coffee table while smearing ice cream on the TV. I do have the option of selecting a NOT SUITABLE FOR INFANTS/CHILDREN button which I am seriously considering  but feel it’s for the wrong reason ( the parents attitude ) and taking another short stay opportunity away from guests who have kids and do the right thing. There is a lot more work involved after a toddler has stayed than four adults and the parents ask what do they get for the extra charge?  The situation I have is one parent who agreed in writing through Airbnb messaging and the other becoming aggravated because his child does not sleep in a bed therefore should not be charged. I pointed out that the extra work in cleaning warrants the small charge. They have refused to pay on arrival even after I produced evidence of acceptance. We offer a cot with the extra charge but option was not taken up. What is the process to retrieve the outstanding amount through Aisbnb and too late to alter the reservation amount?

Level 2
Hillsboro, OR

I am almost ready to publish my listing, but the options for the extra charges (cleaning, security, extra guests) are not presented in the layout.  Is this normal?  I am required to publish before setting these items?  This is frustrating and a bit offputting.  I could use some help.  Thank you!