Forced discount even with discount per duration turnês off

Level 1
São Paulo, Brazil

Forced discount even with discount per duration turnês off

I'm getting quotes from guests with an automatic discount applied when the stay is over 28 days, even after I set the extra discount per duration as 0. I can't find anywhere how to remove or even edit this discount percentage.



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Greenville, SC

You said:

I can't find anywhere how to remove or even edit this discount percentage.”


I have found the editable fields for these discount percentages on both the app and the desktop. On which platform are you having a problem?


Assuming you have worked out how to edit the discount, try this in a desktop browser:

1) Clear your browser cache and refresh the page

2) Change the discount to 20%, save it, verify that it is changed by simulating a booking, and then set it back to 0%. Simulate the booking again.


The reason I suggest doing this in a desktop browser is that sometimes the Airbnb app does not refresh setting changes. It retains the old state, sometimes for a significant period of time. So testing out changes is more reliable in a cache-cleared, desktop browser.

Thanks @Pat271, but even after I set to 0 on both fields the automatic discount keeps being applied, and it's specifically on durations above 28 days (which is weird because the discount should be applicable for 1 week or 30 days.

I still can't find a way to remove this discount.

No, it’s not weird. In AirbnbLand, “Monthly” means “28 days or more”. See here:


Did you try setting and then clearing the discount on a desktop after clearing your cache?


For a specific example, after clearing the cache, on a desktop, in a browser:

- Set the monthly discount to, for instance, 10%, and save it.

- Then, simulate a booking request and see if the 10% was applied.

- Then set it back to 0, and save it.

- Try the booking request again.