@Kameelah0 1. Write your description for someone visiting not purchasings, As a guest windows to me I just assume function correctly like the toilet.
2. Your reviews highlight your decorating and peaceful.
3, One guest mentioned helpful advice on where to eat shop and activities. Place some focus on creating guidebooks.
4. I seen a dryer but no washer picture? Guests love pictures and picture captions.
%. I priced some dates in June and it did one person and then I set for 2 people a significant price adjustment to me for 2 people. If your normal is couple I would set 1 price and if somebody traveling alone asks for a discount, you can. If they don't ask then I don't oferte they are comfortable with my price. For me discounts are more attractive.. I also can decide how much discount when asked it is different based on if they are repeat customer, length of stay. You can mention you will consider a discount for 1 guest.