Hey, fellow hosts! I recently created a detailed social medi...
Hey, fellow hosts! I recently created a detailed social media carousel post after spending countless hours researching tutori...
While we have detailed information of how to come to our home from the airports, a map is worth a thousand verbal instructions. We have tried to attach a map to messages for our guests, but they cannot receive it. Our only solution so far, which is a bit cumbersome, is to ask them for a private email address & send the map outside of the Airbnb system.
Any better suggestions?
This is completely a pain in the ass, why would you not allow a user to attach a file AFTER they accepted.
I need to attach directions and information abut the home!
You can using your email client - Outlook, etc...
I think the point was to keep every exchange of messages inside the system so they can be "secured". At least Airbnb always suggest to do this. Kinda' stupid since they don't allow attachments in the messages. I would show you a screenshot with this but guess what. I can't. Send me your email so I can sent it to you? what do you say? kinda disrupts the flow, ain't it?
This doesnt work
I agree! Pain in the ass and takes up time I do not have.
Hi All, I have copied the file to a new directory on my DropBox with read-only access and put the link to the file as part of the text reply.
Hope this helps.
Basically no easy solution. A bit stupid on AirBnB team, as NOT all AirBnB are in the city... some subarbs require detailed instruction, which could easily be achieved by a small map.
Hi Amr, I've tried that but Airbnb redacts the link to the Dropbox file. How did you get around that? Thanks!
Hi, once the guest books you will see an email link. If you use that link to email from another mail system (gmail, yahoo or whatever) you can attach whatever you want. I send my welcome guide and other attachements this way with no issues.
As a practice I ALWAYs save the guests phone number and email in case I need to get in touch with them after the booking. Makes it easier for marketing and sending followups to encourage repeat renters and allows you to keep your rolodex outside of Airbnb.
That actually doesn't work. Airbnb provides a email address that is routed through their messaging system. You can use your email client to email but it still gets redacted and attachments removed.
@Bill269 I use the AirBnB guest email all the time to send a pdf of my rental agreement and the guest sends it back to me using my AirBnB host email.
Thats great it works for you. Unfortunatly I do not have the same luck. I tried to send a jpeg and a pdf as well as others, none of which made it through.
@Bill269 I send a map to my guests by email all the time. Under the guest's profile photo to the left of your message stream with them, there is a coded email address. I send the guest an email from my personal email address with the map as an attachment. Some guests have said the attachment didn't come through if they are accessing their email on their phone, but it always seems to work fine if they access through a computer.
Great Idea, thanks. I just did the same with google docs.