I need help! Please can one help me ... assets of my money disappeard ...

Level 1
Carinthia, Austria

I need help! Please can one help me ... assets of my money disappeard ...

I had assets of 710,21 Euro - before my new booking - (i made a copy of this) and after my new booking (in the amount of 408,12 Euro)  the rest of 302,09 Euro disappeared ... there is no positive balance visible for me ... and that´s my money ... they did not give me back after a cancellation of a trip in COVID-time last year ... an now the rest of 302,09 Euro got lost ... That is a very strange method of booking! This methods dont come off well. What can I do? Where is my money? Who can help me?

Thanks in advance und nice regards Elvira

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


if you were using a coupon, then unfortunatelly the terms state:

"If you use less than the full amount of a coupon, any unused discount amount will be forfeited."




Level 2
New York, United States

WARNING!! AirBNB coupons are a complete scam! When they issues these coupons they do not send you the terms and conditions or tell you they are for one time use and any unused funds are forfeit. In my situation I have been left feeling AirBNB has stolen over $700 of funds that were forfeit because I was not made aware of this policy. My coupon was a result of a host booking error and now I am out over $700.