I want to send a special offer to a returning guest.
How do I do this? Usually special offers are sent by responding to a booking enquiry but when the returning guest tries this it only brings her to the previous messages relating to her previous completed booking. I want to keep this within Airbnb as it keeps our accountant happy.
@Dora486 Accept the request and then use the ‘change reservation’ button to adjust the booking amount to your liking. Guest gets a notice of change request and must simply accept. Airbnb then adjusts the total for the guest.
What I ended up doing was agreeing a price thru Airbnb messages, then blocked the dates so my guests had time to book their flights. once flights booked, I unblocked the dates, put on the new agreed pricing and she immediately booked at the new amended price. Bit clunky but did the trick. I was a bit surprised that Airbnb didn’t have the functionality to do a repeat special offer rate automatically??
The guests save the ABB fees (10% or so) plus you save the 3% commission. You can still charge your normal rates and the repeat customer will automatically get a savings that doesn't impact your bottom line.